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拜登副总之选乃弃中间选民之举 2020-08-11 17:35:53

.- Former vice president Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president, has selected Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to be his running mate.  

Harris is the first Black woman, and the first person of Indian descent, to be selected as a running mate for a major party’s ticket. Harris’ mother was born in India, and her father was born in Jamaica. Harris is a staunch supporter of legal protection for abortion and has pushed Biden on that issue in recent months.

The choice was announced just shortly after 4:15 p.m. EDT on Tuesday, August 11. 

“I have the great honor to announce that I’ve picked Kamala Harris — a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants — as my running mate,” tweeted Biden on Tuesday.

Biden said that while serving as California’s attorney general, Harris worked with his late son, Beau. 

“I watched as they took on the big banks, lifted up working people, and protected women and kids from abuse. I was proud then, and I'm proud now to have her as my partner in this campaign,” he said. 

Before being selected to run with Biden, Harris made headlines for her numerous attacks on the former vice president during the primary debates. Harris was especially critical of Biden’s long-time support for the Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of federal funds for abortions. 

Biden supported the Hyde Amendment, both with his votes and publicly in writing and speeches, for over four decades. He reversed his position in June 2019, just one day after reaffirming his support for the policy. Harris was quick to point this out during the debate. 

“Only since you’ve been running for president this time, [have you] said that you in some way would take that back or you didn’t agree with that decision you made over many, many years and this directly impacted so many women in our country,” said Harris. 

Harris noted Biden’s previous reservations about unlimited legal protection to abortion, reservations which he abandoned during the Democratic primary process. Harris asked him during the primary “Do you now say that you have evolved and you regret that?”

As California attorney general, she drew criticism from the state Catholic conference by sponsoring a bill compelling pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise “free or low-cost” abortion services to their clients. That law was overturned by the Supreme Court in 2018. 

The senator has also previously raised concerns about Biden’s character.

In April 2019, Harris stated that she believed women who have accused Biden of sexual misconduct during his time in the Senate and as vice president. 

“I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it,” she said at an event in Nevada. Biden himself denied ever acting “inappropriately” with women.

While in the Senate, Harris has served as a member of the Judiciary Committee, responsible for vetting candidates for federal judgeships. In 2018, Harris raised questions about the suitability of a candidate based on his membership of the Knights of Columbus.

In December 2018, Harris joined Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) in scrutinizing the candidacy of Brian C. Buescher, an Omaha-based lawyer nominated by President Trump to sit on the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.

The senators asked if belonging to the Catholic charitable organization could prevent judges from hearing cases “fairly and impartially.”

In her questions to Buescher, Harris described the Knights as “an all-male society” and asked if Buescher was aware that the Knights of Columbus “opposed a woman’s right to choose” and were against “marriage equality” when he joined.

Prior to her election to the Senate in 2016, Harris served as the California attorney general from 2011-2016, and was the San Francisco attorney general from 2004-2011. 

While she has cast herself as a “progressive” prosecutor, her tenure as AG has been a source of controversy during her political career on the national level. 

Harris had a mixed record on the death penalty in California, and faced criticism for her polices which saw Californians imprisoned for non-violent drug offenses. 

Harris came out in support for the legalization of marijuana in 2018. But during a debate in July, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) noted Harris had put “over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations” as attorney general, but laughed while confirming her own use of the drug in an interview

Gabbard also pointed out that Harris “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row,” referring to inmate Kevin Cooper. Cooper was convicted of a quadruple homicide and sentenced to death in 1983, despite considerable evidence of his innocence. Cooper requested additional DNA testing, which Harris blocked as attorney general. 

In 2018, after she was elected to the Senate, she admitted she “felt awful” about her decision. Cooper is still on death row. 

While Harris declined to pursue the death penalty on several occasions, in 2014 she explicitly defended the practice after a California district court found it unconstitutional. 

"I am appealing the court's decision because it is not supported by the law, and it undermines important protections that our courts provide to defendants,” said Harris, calling the decision a “flawed ruling.” 

Harris has also pushed for laws that would criminalize the parents of truant children, who are disproportionately poor. 

During her inaugural address in 2011, Harris stated that she was “putting parents on notice” that truancy would be dealt with as a crime by parents.  

“If you fail in your responsibility to your kids, we are going to work to make sure you face the full force and consequences of the law,” she said. 

Eight years later, during an interview on a podcast, Harris admitted that several parents were jailed thanks to the statewide anti-truancy law she sponsored, though she said she “regretted” it.

Since entering the Senate, Harris’ thinking has shifted, and she now says she supports ending mandatory minimum sentences along with championing other progressive criminal justice reforms.

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-15 12:01:54



在我看来,中国是想把养猪事业逐渐做成现代化养殖场的先进和规模,而美国左派们是想探讨free range养猪模式——freedom还是给,但局限到针对猪的水平,他们用hate speech, conspiracy theories等等做到了中共的舆论和思想管制同样的效果。


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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-14 16:20:57

我感到很幸运,在万维能够遇到像你这样的几位。跟你们的交流对我的人生是锦上添花的赏心悦目,往full方向加了一些,哈哈。我自己经常会go on tangent, 我认为这恰恰是open mind的一种习惯展现,看似不相关,其实是有联系的。这也是分析哲学的建树。half full half empty引出另一个话题,历史的作用。人们通常讲历史是一面镜子,历史会重复或者不会重复。我看历史是积累。创新是从历史积累中出来的。前人栽树。说到积累,对个人来说,就自然会产生right的概念和需求。human right, property right etc。人的自由如果没有相应的rights safeguard,那就变成随心所欲而不能积累。保护rights必然会是有相应的代价的,因此自由总是需要付出相应的代价的,因为每个别人也应该是自由的。我说这些是想表达,个人和集体的矛盾是一切社会矛盾问题的起源,我对集体本能的会是警惕的。观察和切入点就是看这个集体是如何实际的保护每个个体的rights. 上次那个戴口罩的讨论,没机会聊历史积累,rights来自于对个人历史积累的尊重。因此我得出结论,以任何名义,尤其是social和集体的名义伤害剥夺个人rights都是不可接受的,因为剥夺了个人的rights就完全诋毁了个人的历史积累。我一直想西方启蒙让人理解了这些,并且形成保障制度,自然会是往个人自由极端点,也就是个人极端自由方向polarize一些,多不容易,逃脱封建奴隶。目前看到的是可能会往另一个方向反弹,也许还会在极端方向集体polarize一些,最终我想不会回到封建奴隶,还是会回到当中,回到那个half点,然后又是另一个cycle,half full 和half empty互相继续斗下去。中国的情况不一样,还是封建奴隶模式。

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-14 13:20:39



我知道人确实可以通过half full/half empty来观察,但是本质上来说可能太注重比较了,比较是一种理性安慰的办法,不从心灵上解脱人。


在经典的基督教灵修书籍中,无论男女,human soul都是用的女性化的she或her指代的,超越性别,同样的尊严,一样的脆弱。因为在基督教的传统中,神的灵(神本来就是灵)是人的灵唯一的match。不好意思,也许这种对话超越了我们的交流范围,我是希望除宗教背景只做平常老百姓参与对话的,但是你是个非常爱思想的人,可以这么说思想最后的结局不会在哲学思考层次找到任何答案,唯独在宗教层次有解,但是现代文明人对宗教层次是惧怕和鄙视的。

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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 20:56:12

继续前面的half empty,half full再说几句。 精神,物质,relationships关系是人活着的三个层面的需求。 每一个层面对每一个人来说,是拥有多少和要想要多少的问题。 对half full的人,也就是世界大多数人来说,不会是满足的, 甚至有些在某个层面拥有非常少,这些人会干什么呢? 本质上不守规矩的驱动是随时待机而动的,所谓无产者无恒心的内涵。 我用这个方法看人,看世界,看自己,it never changes, it is what it is!

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作者:远方的孤独 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-13 20:18:51


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作者:远方的孤独 回复 老度 留言时间:2020-08-13 20:17:50

帕拉图和亚里斯多德的区别被你点出来了。帕同学认为完美是精神层面,现实永远不会,在现实中寻求完美是人的徒劳,他甚至不喜欢艺术。亚同学认为人的agency还是有用的,可以progress,美学的先驱。道德上康德的先验绝对是羞羞答答不提上帝的上帝道德来源。后来的分析哲学另辟路径,人只能从corresponding events才有可能找到truth,因此强调语言和communication的重要。但是在我看来,这还是simulation,是一个更高智慧设计出来的。

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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 20:02:58

我以前说过,对世界和人,我是pessimistically optimistic. 也就是half empty思维。这个世界大多数人是half full思维。我认为自己在理念上是纯保守和传统的人。在思维上是尽可能open mind,我称为纯intellectual享受,就像解一道数学难题。half full的人,倾向把瓶子装满,很多不满,抱怨,恨,half empty的人享受那一半,保护那一半。在我看来世界和人,it is what it is, 我个人的期望只是我个人的期望。我也分享过,信仰,勇敢,自由,财富这个顺序。理性只是为此服务的一个工具,half full, half empty才是本源。

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作者:远方的孤独 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-13 20:01:28


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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 19:58:50

我以前说过,600 Cummings center Beverly, MA 世界和人,现在我是pessimistically optimistic. 也就是half empty思维。这个世界大多数人是half full思维。我认为自己在理念上是纯保守和传统的人。在思维上是尽可能open mind,我称为纯intellectual享受,就像解一道数学难题。half full的人,倾向把瓶子装满,很多不满,抱怨,恨,half empty的人享受那一半,保护那一半。在我看来世界和人,it is what it is, 我个人的期望只是我个人的期望。我也分享过,信仰,勇敢,自由,财富这个顺序。理性只是为此服务的一个工具,half full, half empty才是本源。

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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 18:32:13

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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 18:31:11


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作者:新歌 回复 老度 留言时间:2020-08-13 14:36:41



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作者:新歌 回复 老度 留言时间:2020-08-13 14:34:06


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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-13 14:32:20


西方人说History就是His story,圣经上说"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (KJV Ecclesiates 3:1)。


人对陌生的人和事物本能事警戒的,所以对超出一般人平常认知的知识出现抵触和排斥应该是很正常的。一般来说,如果是open mind思维习惯的人经过反复了解和检验,只要经得起质疑都能进一步接受。不过,那只是针对认知层面的东西。我发现人其实不是完全按照理性应该的步骤接纳事物,而是按照心灵(spiritual)感受先决定喜恶,然后才按照理性步骤了解和接纳。这就能解释为何很多人根本不接纳某些可以论证合理的事,因为他们从will的层面根本没给机会。

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作者:老度 留言时间:2020-08-13 06:21:04



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作者:老度 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-13 06:08:03



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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 22:10:39

那么多人不知道这个控制,改变美国的大计划。这是很遗憾的。 I just hope it is not too late!

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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 15:56:27

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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 15:32:40


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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 15:27:09

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 15:10:09


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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 13:28:33

分裂肯定不会是和平的。 我研究过美国当初独立是,法国小算盘帮助打传统敌人英国。如果没有法国的帮助,美国独立恐怕不会成功。 美国的开国先驱们深知国际上其它国家搅合的坏处,因此主张美国不要介入欧洲,后来延伸到美洲就不一样了,因为美洲也是欧洲老牌殖民国家搅合的地方。 如同你说的, 要是现在美国再次闹分裂,其他国家不会不搅合的。 其实很少有人真正懂得,美国偏安才能保持那盏明亮的灯永远有光彩。 地球上唯一以基督作为道德准则的国家。我最反感全球化对最高价值层面的绝对和分明的破坏。这种破坏把人的wit都搞成为了弯弯绕和辩证法,最终land在王老虎抢亲和好死不如赖活着的混乱。 中国几千年的验证。

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 12:45:07




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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 12:16:18

我当然听了这个演讲,而且是real time听的,哈哈。 全球化和多元化,加上不接受美国传统价值观,美国就必然分裂。 因为全球化和多元化都是不同的人的不同诉求,不接受美国传统价值观这个唯一的底座和基石,结果可以预料的。 这也是一个大计划的一部分,因此不管怎样都要支持川普连任。 在我看来美国分裂也没啥,把CA和WA和NY分出去,恐怕会更好。

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 12:04:46

“如果再有金融配合, 美国就会大乱。”


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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 11:44:41

2020年的选举是美国命运的分界线,这条界限越过去传统意义上的美国就成为过去了。民主制度不是适合所有人群的,当人群变了制度就会变味,这里有一段从AG Bar在Norte Dame law school的讲话:

Instead, social order must flow up from the people themselves – freely obeying the dictates of inwardly-possessed and commonly-shared moral values. And to control willful human beings, with an infinite capacity to rationalize, those moral values must rest on authority independent of men’s will – they must flow from a transcendent Supreme Being.

In short, in the Framers’ view, free government was only suitable and sustainable for a religious people – a people who recognized that there was a transcendent moral order antecedent to both the state and man-made law and who had the discipline to control themselves according to those enduring principles.

As John Adams put it, “We have no government armed with the power which is capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

As Father John Courtney Murray observed, the American tenet was not that:

“Free government is inevitable, only that it is possible, and that its possibility can be realized only when the people as a whole are inwardly governed by the recognized imperatives of the universal moral order.”



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作者:远方的孤独 回复 新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 11:42:33

我的信息,几乎肯定会有October surprise。 疫情是大概率事件。 另外我跟一些人分析, 不久前的DC动乱是个probing,军方的态度暴露,川普的支持者也带枪进入。 最近的白宫枪击也是一个预兆, 他们到时会连续在白宫门口抗议闹事,据说不让川普出来参加任何竞选活动。 另外我关注的是金融, 如果再有金融配合, 美国就会大乱。 川普延迟,甚至取消选举也是一个双方不得不考量的可能, 还有就是跟中国的bloody nose, 刚有信息,中国军方要求自己绝不开第一枪。 这么讲,显然不是针对一般的摩擦。

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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 11:27:21


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作者:新歌 回复 远方的孤独 留言时间:2020-08-12 11:26:38


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作者:新歌 留言时间:2020-08-12 11:12:08

确实,她虽然是黑人血统,但不是美国传统意义上的African American,她不是美国黑人奴隶的后代。奥巴马的情况不同,他起码有一个真实的黑奴后代妻子。

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· 向阳光之地奔去——纪念我的横跨美
· 听歌:Walking In The Air
· 圣诞节快乐!
· 赞美之泉:新的异象,新的方向
· Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
· 我心旋律:一生一世
· 介绍Phil Wickham的歌:Thirst
· 在佛罗里达州过第一个圣诞节前的
· 人生,总是从终点回到起点
· 华夏不知何处去,爱国依旧笑东风
· 从义和团到万维某博主——再谈文明
· 山巅之城啊,我们慕光而来你已灯
· 前途难测,但美国良心在希望就在
· 国内疫苗宣传值得美国抄作业
· 把中国人民还给中共是天经地义的
· 中秋随感:我没有故国,只有故土
· 这次,我终于与一草博同乐乐了!
· 此文空!
· 约翰.卫斯理日记摘录
· Trouble is a Servant(摘自 John
· 大卫.布莱纳德传及日记(1)(
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