| 2021-10-4
在前瑞典住清国上海总领事Johan Hultman (1876-1936)夫人的旧藏中,有四件似曾相识的所谓的凤尾裙: Johan Hultman (1876-1958), Swedish diplomat, the son of factory owner Johan Hultman and his wife Eveline. Consul General in Shanghai 1911. Envoy in Japan 1928-36, in China 1929-1936, and in Thailand 1931-36. In 1910 he married Ella Eklund (1881–1952), the daughter of the pharmacist Edward Eklund and Gretchen. 另外一件,则和印第安那普利斯博物馆了收藏的一件凤尾外裙,颇为相似。不过该博物馆对这件外裙的英文说明,则有点儿意思。
In China, red is associated with family celebrations, particularly weddings and births. It was appropriate for bridal attire to be embellished with imperial symbols. The dragon symbol for the emperor represents the groom, and the phoenix, which is the symbol of the empress, represents the bride. On the upper front of the jacket and above the dragon, two pomegranates are depicted. Pomegranate, with its many seeds, is a symbol of fertility. Many other auspicious motifs, including clouds, symbols of good fortune, and bats, symbols of happiness, surround the dragon and two phoenixes. 穿在了身上,顿时就环袂铿锵,飘飘欲仙了。