| 2021-11-26
姐姐说她买了一把日本刀,用了好久。 今天突然听朋友讲,黑色星期五网上有德国的单立人牌中式砍刀卖,打七折,才不到二十块钱一把,是西班牙产的。
赶紧去看,中国式样的大砍刀,已经卖光了,看起来当今的国人,最喜欢用刀了。但是还有日本式样的双立人牌砍刀卖,也不是特别的贵,就顺便买了一把。 居然还是德国产的入门级砍刀,说是德皇祖上所传,历史悠久,砍铜剁铁,刀口不卷。吹毛断发,游刃有余。杀人刀上没血,刀刃若新发于硎。 TWIN Signature knives are made of a proprietary, special formula steel that has been perfected over 280 years. Combined with ZWILLING's FRIODUR ice-hardening technique, the result is a harder, sharper blade that will not stain or chip and remains sharp longer.
Precision honed laser-controlled edge to ensure ideal cutting angles for sharpness and durability. One-piece stamped blade for a lighter weight knife without sacrificing strength. 57 Rockwell Hardness = excellent edge retention.