Oval chamber pots such as these ones have been known since the 1700s as bourdaloues. With its curious shape, it looks like a gravy boat. However, makes no mistake, the Bourdaloue is nothing else than a chamber pot exclusively designed for women.
This image by Francois Boucher says it all. A fully dressed lady is relieving herself into an object called the bourdaloue or bourdalou, careful not to soil her skirts. Her maid, no doubt, stands nearby, waiting to receive the small chamber pot in order to empty it. The lady (or woman of ill repute) is in a public place – a theatre or tavern, perhaps – but certainly not a church. Wherever she is, the place has no public toilet. And so she must relieve herself standing up, taking care not to soil her skirt and petticoats.
Bourdaloues were chamber pots designed specifically for women wearing such garments. With the assistance of a lady’s maid, they could be slipped beneath skirts and petticoats, employed while standing, and then discretely carried away. Some versions were more practical and fashioned of tin or leather. Many included a lid, perfect for use during a long journey by carriage. Even when skirts shrank in size towards the end of 18th c., the bourdaloue was deemed too practical an item to abandon. They remained in use throughout the Victorian era.
他是法国皇帝路易十四的牧师 - 路易斯帮她漏(Louis Bourdaloue,1632-1704)。历史上的帮她漏,是一位天才的演说家,讲道的时候滔滔不绝口若悬河,可以带功说法经天经夜,不吃不喝不休息,原因是他有独门秘诀。
Portrait of French Jesuit Louis Bourdaloue, 大英博物馆藏
The origins of this unconventionally shaped chamber pot bear connection to the figure of the renowned French preacher, Jesuit Louis Bourdaloue (1632–1704). In the second half of the 17th century, Bourdaloue was recognized as one of the greatest orators who delivered sermons also at the court of Louis XIV de Bourbon (1638–1715, King of France 1643–1715) in Versailles. They were said to be extremely interesting, but also very long, which confronted the audience with problems of physiological nature. In order to avoid skipping the sermons, ladies began to bring sauce boats which allowed them to ease themselves unnoticed without going out of the chapel. Legend has it that these objects were named after the Jesuit priest Père Louis Bourdaloue, who preached at the court of Louis XIV. Bourdaloue's sermons were apparently so long that the ladies at court asked their maids to supply them with chamber pots so that they would not be forced to leave and miss any of his wisdom. Others guess that Bourdoloue himself needed the vessel during his own sermons as he suffered from the disease hypospadias.
The idea gained popularity and faience manufacturers soon launched the production of small women’s chamber pots – pot de Chambre ovale, also known as bourdaloue. They differed from sauce boats in their edge folded inside with no spout and the lack of base. Owing to their properly designed shape, which guaranteed discreet use, chamber pots proved extremely useful and convenient during lengthy journeys, which is why they are also known as coach pots in England. In the 18th century, they gained popularity all across Europe, including in Warsaw.