有一段时间之前看于丹教授的趣品人生,记得对于教授的一泡茶印象深刻。是当于教授在电视采访中说到唐代茶圣陆羽的时候: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=163089119113917
Rare Wedgwood of Etruria & Barlaston Peter Rabbit Soup Bowl
Wedgwood Beatrix Potter PETER RABBIT Child's Chamber Pot Potty
Wedgwood Royal Semi-Porcelain Lowell White & Brown Flowers Chamber Pot
When the Nazi air attacks forced Churchill and the rest of the Cabinet to stay within the bomb shelter of the Cabinet War Room complex, the facilities were very limited. Churchill preferred to spend the night at #10 Downing Street or in a flat in the building directly above the war rooms, but on several occasions he was forced to spend the night underground. Here you see the apartment used by Churchill when he was forced to spend the night in the bunker. And yes, that's his chamber pot on the floor at the foot of the bed.
Theodore Roosevelt was born in New York City in 1858. His father was a very successful businessman and philanthropist, they lived in a nice brownstone at 28 East 20th Street. You can visit it today, and see the family's chamber pot among other furnishings. The master bedroom contains the water bowl and pitcher used by the Roosevelts.
King William III and his mid-17th century "close stool," which is on display at Hampton Court.
在抽水马桶被Sir John Harrington发明之前,伦敦最抢手的公务员,就是人见人羡的掏粪工人了:
Believed to be a portrait of Sir Anthony Denny, Groom of the Stool to Henry VIII.