昨天一个哥们儿来,是一生专玩泥巴的,一起做过项目,在最牛逼的国家实验室工作了叁十年,最后的工作,是Branch Chief,协调和召集全国的气候变化研究,娶了个中国老婆,孔院外派的,喜欢吃喝玩乐,到处乱逛。朋友退休后无事可做,喜欢弹吉他。一起去海滨一家饭庄吃饭,饭庄的老板,也很牛,福布斯富豪,榜上有名,也是娶了位中国太太。
买了两本旧书,一本是玩泥巴的,土壤条件与植物生长的第十版,1974年出版的,小拉塞尔的封山之作。一本是讲实验设计的,洛桑实验第一版,是老豪尔的开山之作,介绍的是洛桑实验站第一任站长(1843-1900)拉维斯(Sir John Bennet Lawes)和德国化学家李比希的学生亨利基尔伯特(Joseph Henry Gilbert)的故事。
小拉塞尔 土壤条件与植物生长 第十版,第四次印刷,1980年
豪尔 洛桑试验 第一版,1905
Sir John Bennet Lawes (28 December 1814 – 31 August 1900)
Joseph Henry Gilbert(1817-1901)
Sir Daniel Hall(1864-1942) After the deaths of Sir John Lawes in 1901 and Sir Henry Gilbert in 1902 Rothamsted was a moribund research institute with a couple of scientists and a few assistants and farmhands. Lawes had sensibly set up the Lawes Agricultural Trust to ensure that the work of the institute carried on after their deaths, and Daniel Hall was appointed Director. However the Trust funds were quite inadequate to provide any more than basic maintenance, and so Hall was obliged to go elsewhere to seek funds for the expansion that he believed was desperately required. Hall moved into the Director’s House in West Common, where Gilbert had lived. (The present house was rebuilt by Sir John Russell in the 1920s).
Sir John Russell (1872-1965)Born in Gloucestershire in 1872, Russell studied at London, Aberystwyth, and Manchester before starting research at Wye College in Kent under A.D. Hall. When Hall became Director of Rothamsted in 1902 he later obtained funds for Russell to work at Rothamsted in 1907. He was knighted in 1922. In 1943 Rothamsted celebrated the centenary of the first experiments, and Sir John now 70, retired and handed over to William Gammie Ogg. The Russells retired to Oxford but lived an active life until Sir John’s death in 1965.
老拉塞尔改编 洛桑试验 第二版,1917