| 2023-5-14
作为大国国粹的赌具,不但源远流长,花样翻新,而且还远播海外,扬我国威,Crazy Rich Asian 中的麻将牌,就是一例。
Refers to the small porcelain tokens issued by Chinese organisations in Thailand in the 19th century. These were initially issued as gambling tokens but were also used more generally as a token currency. HARamsden, 'Siamese porcelain and other tokens' (Jun Kobayagawa Co., Numismatic Publishers, Yokohama, Japan, 1911), notes that these porcelain tokens were issued in Chinese-owned gambling houses also known as hong) between the mid-17th and mid-18th centuries, and circulated locally as token currency as far as the issuer's authority was trusted.
One small box containing 36 tokens made of porcelain, stoneware, or glass, Chinese or Japanese, mainly 19th century. The tokens vary in diameter from ½ inch to 1 inch, and in thickness from 1/8 inch to ¼ inch. The majority are circular; others are hexagonal or octagonal; one is oval. The material is white or yellowish porcelain of varying quality, except for two grey stoneware and one of green glass. Though four are quite plain, the majority have Chinese or Japanese characters on them painted in blue, incised, or stamped in relief. In addition to the inscriptions, a few ornamental motives appear – a crab, a tiger, a fish, and a relief head of the young Queen Victoria, perhaps taken from an English coin or postage stamp.
猪仔钱在国内甚为罕见,华侨博物院收藏的30枚猪仔钱有圆形、方形、八角形、葫芦形等,一面印有如长发、太兴、美利公司、广顺定记、德盛公司等字样,或者印有动物图桉如龟、蝴蝶、双鱼等;另一面文字如方、五十文、钱、宝、盛等,或者同样印有动物图桉。这些猪仔钱由原新加坡石叻坡文化民俗馆创办人陈来华先生于2004年捐赠。广东华侨博物馆收藏的一枚猪仔钱为圆形,有边廓,正背面分别铭有兴和利字样,应为制作公司的名号。该藏品由已故新加坡华人收藏家杨永曦于2009年10月28日捐赠。中山市博物馆收藏的一组十枚猪仔钱是由陶土烧制而成,也均为瓷质,通体施白釉,底部为素胎,在浅浮凋纹饰之上涂有薄厚不均的彩釉。这批猪仔钱正面标注的农场、庄园或者矿山的名号有茂顺成、万发公司、兴和等,背面有的无字,有的有钱、玉、一百等字样,形状样式不一,有六角形、八角形、蝴蝶形、菱形等,但都是雇佣华工的农场主、庄园主或者矿主为了控制华工的自由、剥削华工血汗的实物证明。这批藏品于2017年12月13日由中山市博物馆征集收藏。广东省博物馆珍藏的五枚猪仔钱,则是华侨后裔杨豪先生从菲律宾带回的,五枚猪仔钱,均为瓷质,通体施白釉,底部为素胎,在浅浮凋纹饰之上涂有薄厚不均的蓝釉。五枚猪仔钱有两种形制:一种是圆形的, 有叁枚,正面中浅浮凋有龟、鹿、鱼叁种纹饰,背面刻八卦纹一周,中央印一钱字。
Porcelain tokens were first used in old Siam as counters for a game called Fantan. The game was one of many played in the Chinese-run gambling houses called hongs. Over time they came to be used as currency within the hong owners' districts and were known as pees. Porcelain gaming tokens, issued by Chinese-owned gambling houses were widely used as money in Siam during the 18th and 19th centuries.
In the early 19th century Chinese gambling houses in Bangkok produced porcelain tokens for use as gambling counters. They would exchange them on demand for silver, and changed the designs frequently in order to pre-empt forgeries. At the time there was a shortage of silver for coinage, and the porcelain tokens soon became a popular form of small change in the city. Why porcelain? - Siam had no real porcelain manufacturing industry existing at that time, and therefore gambling houses felt safe that the local people could not produce counterfeits. That is why the porcelain tokens were imported from China. The control of these tokens by the Siamese government became more and more difficult, and at last in 1871, it became necessary to prohibit and stop completely all circulation of these counters. However, the circulation of these tokens continued long after their prohibition. After the turn of the century, gambling was prohibited everywhere except in Bangkok, and after a decade, gambling was prohibited there as well, rendering the tokens useless. The last gambling house in Bangkok shut down its operation with the introduction of the governmental lottery in 1917.