施化 接受了太多大媒体的宣传和洗脑,到目前为止,我大部分朋友在头脑里充斥的观念都是这样的:Covid疫情可怕而严重,传统的医学对此无能为力,所有的隔离防护措施效果有限,未来的新一波变种病毒凶猛异常。唯一可以选择而且不得不选择的出路就是,响应政府号召,将疫苗进行到底。不但要打第一针第二针,还要继续第三针第四针……否则的话,经济就不可能复苏,人类就有灭绝危险。凡是不认同上述观念的,不是脑子有毛病,就是搞阴谋的坏人。别以为这是我的夸张,这些都是实实在在发生着,并围绕在各自身周的事实。不但发生着,而且程度愈来愈烈,一时看不到尽头。 在这里,我冒着被污名化的风险,斗胆为有理智有良知的朋友,传递一个最新的重要讯息,一份由全球一万二千多名(截至今日)医药工作者和科学家实名签署的文件《罗马宣言》,该文件正在世界范围流传和扩大签名。宣言的内容附已在下方,并带有签名网址。不打算一字一句地翻译全文,只把我读完的感受说出来。反正原文在这里,有英文阅读能力的朋友,完全可以自己去品原汁原味。 我感觉这份宣言的出现,有如平地一声惊雷,惊醒了亿万梦中人。Covid大流行近两年来,我们听滥了著名专家,政府发言人,新闻媒体滔滔不绝的陈词滥调,可是听不到一句来自数以百万计,冒着生命危险,奋战在医疗第一线的医师,药剂师,临床科学研究者的发言。这些本来是病人最可依赖的人,对病人有着最大了解和担负直接责任的专业人士,被齐齐地藐视和消声压制得干干净净。世界数十亿自己出资购买医药和健康保险的大众和病人,已经被排除在传统医疗系统之外,把自己最珍贵的生命,直接交到政府官员,舆论宣传家和生物制药巨头手里!想象一下,这是一幅多么惊悚的恐怖画面?当然,签署宣言的人数虽不算惊人,但真理从来不是靠人头数量来决定的。 我知道上面说的话会被人嗤之以鼻,那是他们的选择,我一点也不奇怪。只愿他们和他们的家人好自为之。但是,作为一个有良知的个体,我有天赋权利说出尚不被人知的事实。必须而且责无旁贷地把我看到和思考过的事实,完全呈现在我所爱的人面前。在实际中而不是口头上,落实每一个人的知情权。 在这个简短的宣言里,你可以切身感受到,那些以真实姓名和本人肖像露面的一线医药专家们,他们的爱心,焦虑,和他们的勇气。宣言用简略的措辞,勾勒出近两年来医师们所在的实际处境。本来应该由他们和病人共同决定的病情治疗,突然被一刀切的政策取代。谁要是不顺从,背后等着的是吊销执照,开除职务和污名化的胁迫。听到这些真实的陈述,不禁让人不寒而栗。如果这一禁止医生行使职权的政策有效倒也无妨,事实上,这一政策的目的,就是要扩大病毒传播范围和增加死亡人数,造成广泛的恐慌,从而让人们接受大面积的强制疫苗。在2017年福奇发起的一次疫苗研讨会上,与会者一致认为流感疫苗之所以不被广泛接受,原因是民间不够恐惧。需要来一次大于禽流感流行模式的更大传播,人们才会感到害怕和需求。现在福奇们终于满足了。 宣言说,事情发展到今天这一步,已经无关乎医疗保健,而涉及违宪犯罪。在我看来,这次犯罪的范围大得惊人,包括那些助纣为虐,用假故事发布新闻,用制造后怕来驱使更多无知者接种疫苗,无限制扩大受害者范围的万维博主。历史总有最终的审判,我坚信这一天的到来。 2021-10-14
罗马宣言 PHYSICIANS DECLARATION GLOBAL COVID SUMMIT – ROME, ITALY International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists September, 2021 (view in Italian) (Slovak) (Dutch) (Spanish) (Croatian) (Chinese) [UPDATE: as of 1pm ET on 10/14 over 12,000 doctors & scientists have signed the Rome Declaration. Please join us by reading and signing below.] We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following; WHEREAS, it is our utmost responsibility and duty to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, art and science of medicine; WHEREAS, there is an unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients; WHEREAS, public policy makers have chosen to force a “one size fits all” treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized, personalized approach to patient care which is proven to be safe and more effective; WHEREAS, physicians and other health care providers working on the front lines, utilizing their knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, are often first to identify new, potentially life saving treatments; WHEREAS, physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients; WHEREAS, thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease. Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home (allowing the virus to replicate) and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-treat; WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS: RESOLVED, that the physician-patient relationship must be restored. The very heart of medicine is this relationship, which allows physicians to best understand their patients and their illnesses, to formulate treatments that give the best chance for success, while the patient is an active participant in their care. RESOLVED, that the political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician/patient relationship must end. Physicians, and all health care providers, must be free to practice the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, or disciplinary action, including possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts and interference from government entities and organizations – which further prevent us from caring for patients in need. More than ever, the right and ability to exchange objective scientific findings, which further our understanding of disease, must be protected. RESOLVED, that physicians must defend their right to prescribe treatment, observing the tenet FIRST, DO NO HARM. Physicians shall not be restricted from prescribing safe and effective treatments. These restrictions continue to cause unnecessary sickness and death. The rights of patients, after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of each option, must be restored to receive those treatments. RESOLVED, that we invite physicians of the world and all health care providers to join us in this noble cause as we endeavor to restore trust, integrity and professionalism to the practice of medicine. RESOLVED, that we invite the scientists of the world, who are skilled in biomedical research and uphold the highest ethical and moral standards, to insist on their ability to conduct and publish objective, empirical research without fear of reprisal upon their careers, reputations and livelihoods. RESOLVED, that we invite patients, who believe in the importance of the physician-patient relationship and the ability to be active participants in their care, to demand access to science-based medical care. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed this Declaration as of the date first written. 宣言签名人和签名网址 |