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父亲的军靴(瑞克文 平平译) 2022-09-30 22:22:06






When I was 13 my Father called me down to the dining room table. He was a Marine and he expected his kids to obey him like his troops. He announced that from now on I would be responsible for keeping his shoes shined the Marine Corps way. The common term was “ Spit Shined “ or polished to a high degree.
So I sat there beside him as he showed me how to open the lid on the polish and get a little water in the lid. Then how to hold the shoe with one hand in the shoe and a white rag in the other. Swirling a little polish on the rag with one finger and the dipping the little finger into the water to apply one drop and then circle the black polish into the leather. I could smell the polish and the shoes and it didn’t seem like a great honor to be awarded this chore.

I was given the other shoe to work on and I wasn’t very good at it. I remember that he was very forceful in letting me know I was too stupid to shine shoes. I figured that he wouldn’t follow through with shoe thing after that , but I was wrong. The next evening when he got home he left his shoes at my bed room door. So with curse words under my breath I went to work. I was so grossed out. The shoes were still warm. I could smell his feet. The foot smell and polish smell combo with the warm leather was really too much. I wanted to throw the shoes right back out the door. But I had to think twice about that.
My father was 6’ 3” about 230 lbs. He served in WW2, Korea and twice in Vietnam. He really didn’t have an inside voice. He yelled at us kids all the time. We generally scattered when he came home. Getting within arms reach was a fatal mistake. Guaranteed the unaware to be slapped, hit or spanked. My brother once was so happy that my Dad had returned from a deployment he scooted his chair right next to his at the dinner table only to rewarded with a smack across the face for smacking his lips while eating. The next night he sat beside me at the other end of the table.
That brings up one ofmy pet peeves, the commercials that show the happy soldier surprising his kid at school or disguised as a baseball catcher to the soon to be crying from happiness kid. That was not our Reality. We were faced with all the transgressions that drove our mother crazy while he was gone. It was not fun.
Plus my mom would get a big dog while he was gone and we would fall in love with them. But my father would make her get rid of the dog before he would get home. He didn’t want the dog to attack him when he was whopping our ass. Now I know he sounds mean as hell and if you include all the drinking he did , he was. But just about everything he did could be explained with modern day PTSD Treatments. They just didn’t have that diagnosis back then.

Now back to the shoes. I worked on them every day. I was bad at first and then with time I got better. I even got a few “ good jobs “. I started doing my own shoes too. Not the mirror polish that my Dad required but a nicely buffed loafer. And these were not expensive shoes. For school. One new pair of shoes. Cheaper the better. Two pairs of long pants and two button down shirts. This was expected to last all year even if you grew some. Or spilled acid on my pants and it ate right through. I was expected to sew up the holes. As time went by my Dad started doing his own shoes again.
I know why now. For 45 years I worked in the Grocery Business and it was rough on shoes. The back rooms were messy and the coolers wet. But in the beginning we were expected to have shined shoes. So I shined my shoes every night. I fell in love with rhythm of polish and brush. The smell of a freshly shined pair of shoes. The comments of nice shoes from coworkers and customers. The feeling of superiority over a supervisor who’s shoes weren’t up to my standards. The admiration of those who kept their shoes shined and in good shape.
I have grown old and too weak to shine my shoes these days. Slippers don’t need a high polish. I gave all my good shoes to my grandson. They were all polished and buffed. I hope he keeps them that way. He used to sit with me when he was little while I polished my shoes. I hope he remembers me that way after I am gone.

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