Joe Biden was able to steal... No, he was able to win, sorry, he was
able to win the election.”,拜登自己也说他们有“most extensive and inclusive voter
让我们再看看,川普总统在2018年曾经签了一个总统令,专门针对国外势力干预大选,见EO 13848。这个总统令。Executive
Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign
Interference in a United States Election,有美国媒体观察认为它的特别之处:“in that
executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was
signed, President Trump declares a national emergency.
That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was
conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to
understand what’s coming
根据2018年川普宣布的国家紧急状态令中(紧急令),据报道DOJ有权力做这个:“seize all assets of individuals and companies that were complicit in
aiding or covering up this foreign interference in U.S. elections.”具体内容包括:直接或间接在外国势力干预美国大选中参与,支助,隐瞒,或同谋的。这样,不但主流媒体要倒霉,连高科技公司谷歌,推特等都麻烦啦!具体的,我不多阐述了,大家自己去了解,总的来说后果严重。
好,让我们看这个“Section 1”: “(a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United
States election, 这条“在大选结果出来后45天内”很重要,那天将是12月18日,星期五。
谁操作评估?director of national intelligence, 国家情报总监,注意John Ratcliffe在今年五月26日被任命的时候,Foreign Policy新闻网页曾如此介绍他:“a loyalist of U.S. President Donald Trump and former U.S. representative
from Texas with little experience in national security”,他效忠川普,又是来自德州啊!那这个人最近有什么言行?他12月4日说中国是美国最大的威胁,接着,他又在12月6日说了这么句“we’ll see ”“whether there is a Biden administration,”不少右媒从中听出silver lining他暗示拜登上不了。
最后,干预美国大选的情报最后到谁手中?“President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the
Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of
Homeland Security.”总统,彭培奥,财政部长,司法部长,国土安全部长。
下面 Pascal 的链接内容: Dear Patriots: according to Mathew Billings- CIA Data Analyst Officer who was stationed in Frankfurt Germany CIA field office Trump not only won ALL the Swing States by a mile but Trump also won Virginia, Maine and Rhode Island as well. Mathew was trying to leak this Data to the Press and ended up losing his job for his heroic actions. This is the first time I’m using his name and unmasking his identity with his and his legal team permission. Please support Mathew by echoing this post and spreading this information to all Patriots as this truth was intended to be a public knowledge by Mathew in the first place!!!
Trump appointed Gingrich, Thomas Carter, Thomas Stewart, Scott O'Grady, Edward Luttwak, former Rep. Randy Forbes, former Sen. Robert Smith and Charles Glazer, all of whom are close allies of the president.
“We are very concerned about the optics of using the U.S. military for domestic law enforcement,” Smith said Tuesday on a press call, promising to call Defense Secretary
In extreme circumstances, there is an exception: the Insurrection Act, which allows the use of active-duty or National Guard troops for federal law enforcement in cases when “rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S. by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings,
“我跟你们有点不一样。我关注川普说什么,更关注他的action。比如他不久前在一次采访中说,每周certify拜顿还是超过270后,他就承认输了,就会离开白宫。 如果他又这个hail mary计划,为什么要那么说呢? 糊弄对手?It does not make sense. 另外川普一直称sydney和lin wood friends,从来没有提他们的名字。 哦我还是等the fat lady。 Come on the fat lady, 化妆好了啊,出场吧。”