美國禪學院 https://uszen.org/
Spring Samadhi Retreat 春季精進禪七 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5468TXqCNUKw3F4F637fM3bQ-5qU7TSDeyf4F_4rvzQb5nA/viewform
Instructed by Abbot Ven. Dr. Dhammadipa Sak || 指導老師 方丈和尚 法曜法師 3/9-16, at US Zen Institute 美國禪學院, 19225 Liberty Mill Road, Germantown MD Retreat Schedule 活動時間表: https://tinyurl.com/uszi-spring19 Registration Deadline 報名截止 on 2/28 Retreat will be held in English/Chinese bilingual format, for For any questions please contact || 禪修以中英雙語進行,如有任何問題,請聯絡:Allen Tsaur (a.t.tsaur@gmail.com) **We only have limited lodging space this time due to the impending construction of the new meditation center. Please register early if you plan to stay at USZI during the retreat.** **因為新禪堂即將破土,這次僅有少額床位,想於禪修期間住宿於禪堂的學員請及早報名申請!**
Winter 2019 Newsletter | 冬秋季活動快訊 https://shoutout.wix.com/so/abMWbmiQj#/main