大家注意几点: 一,这个调查是司法部的Southern District of New York做的,这个调查由Audrey
Strauss带领。这个Audrey Strauss是June 19,
2020在Barr领导司法部的时候上任的。但是她的上任并非Barr所拣选指定,而是在这种情形下: On June 19, 2020, Attorney General William Barr announced that Berman had stepped down from his position as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District.In response, Berman released a statement that he had not resigned and
would not, claiming that, as he had been nominated by a committee of
judges on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, he would not leave his position until a successor was confirmed by the U.S. Senate. On June 20, Barr stated that the President
had fired Berman, adding, "By operation of law, the Deputy United
States Attorney, Audrey Strauss, will become the Acting United States
Attorney," serving until a nominee is confirmed by the Senate. Berman then agreed to step down. (资料来自:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audrey_Strauss)
当时Barr 要求Berman下台的时候,Berman不肯走人,理由是他们已经在调查川普所有的助理,他必须在那里监督其顺利进行,Barr答应保证他们的调查。 When he initially (and futilely) fought his removal as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman suggested that his continuing presence was necessary to
protect the office’s ongoing investigations, including some that might
affect allies and associates of President Trump. Attorney General Bill
Barr countered that this was nonsense, and that the office’s
investigations would continue undisturbed, under the capable supervision
of Audrey Strauss, the acting U.S. attorney who was Berman’s deputy. (资料来自:https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/08/the-bannon-indictment/) 所以,这不是川总内部制定的调查,我想大家应该可以得出这个结论。 二,这次抓捕班农是由邮局出面,为此Washington
专门出文介绍为什么美国邮局有这么大的权柄。(文链接https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2020/08/20/postal-service-police-bannon/) 邮局的权力不在川总的手里,这点大家我想都清楚。如果你不清楚,请看新闻: 那么,他们究竟在做什么? 我不大清楚,我只是觉得2020是个划时代的时刻,我非常感兴趣地在跟踪和观察一切。请看这位黑人的推:
补充: 一,不出所料,果然Audrey
Strauss是个注册民主党,这是纽约时报2020年6月2日的报道(我无权访问阅读全文): 二,看nbcnewyork新闻上的一段: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/heres-who-is-taking-over-manhattans-u-s-attorneys-office-after-berman-firing/2479740/ 三,Berman反抗Barr让他走人,当时新闻:https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/trump-fires-u-s-attorney-manhattan-who-refused-resign-during-n1231648 Barr想指定代替Berman的是另一个人Jay Clayton,但是Barr没能成功。