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最近多伦多大学东亚系一位教授退休,他是我的导师,一个终生献身于汉学研究和教学的老外,而且有恩于我。于是,有感而发,写了下面三首古诗。其中表达了咱个人对人生、事业、尤其是学术事业的看法。好久不写古诗,有些生疏,平仄押韵也不太严格。凑合看吧! 多伦多大学某教授退休寄言三韻 二零零九年四月 結廬塵喧覓靜景, 春送梨花帶雨濃。 煙柳斜陽與君別, 何日閑對飲幾盅? 遙看秋山遍桃李, 休嘆寂寥恨落紅。 我欲因之夢蓬山, 直逐白鹿青雲中。 For A Professor’s Retirement April, 2009 Amidst the maddening world I seek a quiet place, With the pear blossoms in rain, the spring brings us its grace, In the setting sun, we depart sadly under the willow trees, When will we meet again and drink at ease? Over the hills in the fall peaches and plums catch our eye, Neither loneliness nor the fallen petals causes us to sigh. I wish in my dreams to climb the enchanting peaks without peers, I chase the white deer until it in the clouds disappears. 早歷人事戯紅塵, 浮雲悠悠始到今。 從容重溫遊子夢, 瀟灑再續一段春。 蝴蝶夢中悟造化, 仗劍高歌遏行雲。 千古文章有誰識? 浮名焉能限此身? The bustling early life is but part of the world of dust, The floating clouds stop here and now as they must, Freely I dream the dream of a sojourner again, Happily I have a whole new spring to retain. Am I the butterfly who dreams, I would inquire? With a sword and songs to halt the clouds, I aspire, An essay to last thousand years, who can understand? Why must I be a slave to vanity and the name grand? 料峭春寒凝如鉄, 锦城四月犹飞雪。 聞君欲作東南行, 願將此心寄明月。 前年異鄉始見君, 感君恩重绵不絕。 花開花落會有期, 思君常憶逢君別。 The chilly spring wind is as cold as iron gates, Snowflakes are still flying at this city in the April dates, I have heard that you are leaving for a region afar, I pray to the bright moon to keep you wherever you are, No long ago I met you in a foreign land, Your graciousness has since heaped upon me unplanned. The flowers will in their times blossom and wither, But I cherish the memory of our first meeting forever. |
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