
This teapot and cover with a wishbone handle and dragon spout is a later example of items reminiscent of the early Böttger porcelains admired for their raised ornament and designed originally by the Dresden court goldsmith Johann Jacob Irminger (1635-1724), the so-called Irmingersche Belege. After Böttger's death in 1719, Irminger appears in the staff lists as master modeller until 1724. The applied grapevine (Wein-Laub) design seen on this teapot and cover was especially favored.
这一件藏品,是来自瑞士的移民,脑病理学家赛汉斯(Hans Syz, 1894-1991)博士的旧藏。戴汉斯于二战早期开始收藏梅森瓷器,主要是从纽约的瓷器进口商人阿道夫布哈德(Adolf Beckhardt,1889-1962)那里买成套的梅森瓷器,后来渐成规模,包括欧洲和亚洲瓷器,应有尽有。1963年戴汉斯把他的大部分藏品,都捐献到了史密斯桑尼亚国家美术馆。



The cup and saucer have flowering prunus in relief on their exterior surfaces, and this type of decoration revived in the 1740s, is reminiscent of the early Böttger porcelains with similar ornament based on Chinese Dehua (blanc de Chine) porcelains with the prunus branches in high relief; prototypes with this pattern were in the royal collections in Dresden and made available to Johann Friedrich Böttger as models for early Meissen porcelain. In 1745 Johann Joachim Kaendler revived some of the patterns from the first decade of Meissen’s production that was, like this pattern, particularly admired.

Beaker and saucer, Meissen porcelain factory, 1726–1727, Germany. Museum no. C.450&A-1922. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London



