笔者注意到,时常关注《万维读者网》的还有学中文的美国读者。他们经常为中国不断出现的流行政治术语(特别是习氏哩语)所困惑,翻遍中文词典也往往不得要领。 有鉴于此,笔者将陆续发表「中国流行政治术语」的英译文,供《万维》读者参考和批评。 大撒币 Money Giveaway Spree(意译) / Big Moron(音译)
上梁不正下梁歪 A bad role model above inspires evil deeds below. / As above, so below. 上有所好,下必甚焉 What the superior loves, his inferiors will infatuate. / What's good for the geese is also good for the ganders. (戏谑) 定为一尊 settle a given question on a single authority / the absolute authority 一锤定音 have the ultimate say / take as gospel 妄议中央 vilify the Party authority / mess with the Party boss (戏谑) 一带一路 the Belt and Road initiative (官方译法) / the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road (官方注解) / The road to hell is paved with evil silk (戏谑) 基础不牢,地动山摇. If the foundation is not solid, the earth will tremble and the mountains will sway. (直译) / It will be an earth-shattering fiasco if Taiwan crosses the redline. (意译,即习近平引用此俗语的寓意)