习主席语录 Quotations from Chairman She
以讹译讹类: 通商宽衣. Promote trade by dropping our pants.[1] 三只手合力. Pocket-picking needs collaboration. 中国不以追求贸易逆差为目标。 Pursuing trade deficit is not the goal for China.
信达雅类: 打铁还需自身硬。 People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.[2] 因为我那时候,扛两百斤麦子,十里山路不换肩的。 Once upon a time, I was able to carry a 200 pound sack of wheat and walk on a mountain road non-stop for 10 miles. 有些吃饱了没事干的外国人,对我们的事情指手画脚。 Certain meddling foreigners make me sick. 治大国如烹小鲜。 Governing a big country is like cooking a delicate seafood dish. 基础不牢,地动山摇. If the foundation is not solid, the earth will tremble and the mountains will sway. (直译) / It will be an earth-shattering fiasco if Taiwan crosses the redline. (意译,即习近平引用此俗语的寓意)
别看你今天闹得欢,小心今后拉清单。 What goes around comes around.
——————The End ————— Have a great weekend!
[1] “drop pants”, 脱裤子。美国媒体当年描述克林顿在办公室密会卢文斯基小姐时的用词。
[2] "打铁还需自身硬"的各种译法: 现场中国译员翻译为:To be turned into iron, the metal itself must be strong。 英国《每日电讯报》的翻译是:“To forge iron, you need a strong hammer”, CNN以及《纽约时报》的翻译是“To forge iron, one must be strong”, 《China Daily》的翻译是:To address these problems, we must first of all conduct of ourselves honorably. |