最近,翁帆又冒出来了,这回是替她那102岁的丈夫杨振宁去香港参加朋友聚会。二十年了,翁帆和杨振宁这对“爷孙恋”还在继续,真是让人不得不佩服。杨教授这几年身体不太行,两年前就立了遗嘱,估计是怕自己哪天突然撒手人寰,留下翁帆一个人面对这世界的风言风语。不过,翁帆这次去香港,倒是让网友们又翻出了她的前夫,结果发现,这位前夫跟杨教授一比,简直是个“渣男”。 翁帆从小就是个“别人家的孩子”,家里管得严,学习好,礼貌周全,简直就是家长眼中的完美模板。后来她考上了汕头大学,认识了杨振宁。那时候,杨教授还是她的老师,俩人聊的都是学术问题,没啥男女之情。毕业后,翁帆去了深圳工作,混了几年,认识了前夫——一个香港公司的普通职员。那时候翁帆估计是年纪到了,脑子一热,觉得该结婚了,于是俩人迅速领证,翁帆还放弃了工作,跟着前夫去了香港,当起了全职太太。 结果呢?香港的生活没她想象中那么美好。前夫大男子主义,收入还没她高,却要求她放弃事业,整天在家伺候他。翁帆哪受得了这个?两年不到,婚姻就崩了。好在俩人没孩子,也没啥经济纠纷,分得还算干脆。离婚后,翁帆回到内地,继续读书,重新规划人生。 2003年,杨振宁的老伴杜致礼去世了。杨教授那会儿八十岁,老伴一走,整个人都蔫了,整天关在屋里,谁也不见。翁帆听说后,写信安慰他。没想到,这些信成了杨教授的精神支柱,俩人开始频繁通信,感情也在字里行间慢慢升温。一年后,杨振宁回国教书,在中山大学和翁帆见了面。结果,仅仅七天,杨教授就表白了,俩人火速领证结婚。 消息一出,舆论炸了锅。五十四岁的年龄差,谁看了都得摇头。有人说他们是“爷孙恋”,有人说翁帆图杨教授的钱,还有人断言他们迟早离婚。结果呢?二十年过去了,人家俩还恩爱如初。翁帆这次算是找对了人,杨教授不仅是她的丈夫,还是她的灵魂伴侣。 翁帆这两段婚姻,第一段是冲动,第二段是成熟。第一段婚姻让她明白了自己真正想要的是什么,第二段婚姻让她找到了真正的归宿。她的经历告诉我们:婚姻不是凑合,而是找到那个能和你灵魂共鸣的人。 至于外界的评价?翁帆和杨振宁根本不在乎。他们用二十年的时间证明了,爱情和年龄无关,精神上的契合才是关键。在这个快节奏的时代,这样的爱情故事显得格外珍贵。所以,咱们也得好好想想:到底什么才是真正的爱情和婚姻?是凑合过日子,还是找到那个能让你心甘情愿陪他变老的人? Recently, Weng Fan made headlines again, this time for attending a friend's gathering in Hong Kong on behalf of her 102-year-old husband, Yang Zhenning. Twenty years have passed since Weng and Yang's "grandpa-granddaughter romance" began, and it's still going strong—truly something to admire. Professor Yang hasn't been in great health these past few years and drafted his will two years ago, probably worried that he might suddenly pass away, leaving Weng to face the world's gossip alone. However, Weng's trip to Hong Kong also prompted netizens to dig up her ex-husband, and it turns out he was a real jerk compared to Professor Yang.
Weng Fan grew up as the quintessential "someone else's child"—strictly raised, academically excellent, and impeccably polite, the perfect model in her parents' eyes. Later, she got into Shantou University, where she met Yang Zhenning. Back then, Professor Yang was her teacher, and their conversations revolved around academics, with no romantic undertones. After graduation, Weng worked in Shenzhen for a few years before meeting her ex-husband—an ordinary employee at a Hong Kong company. At the time, Weng was probably at that age where she felt she should settle down, and in a moment of impulsiveness, she decided to get married. They quickly tied the knot, and Weng even gave up her job to move to Hong Kong with him, becoming a full-time housewife.
But life in Hong Kong wasn't as rosy as she'd imagined. Stuck at home, she faced invisible chains every day, which was torture for someone who loved freedom. To make matters worse, her ex-husband was a chauvinist who earned less than Weng but still demanded she give up her career. Conflicts piled up over trivial matters, and within two years, the marriage fell apart. Fortunately, there were no children or financial disputes, so the split was relatively clean. After the divorce, Weng returned to the mainland to pursue further studies, earning a graduate degree and restarting her life.
In 2003, Yang Zhenning's wife, Du Zhili, passed away due to illness. For the 80-year-old professor, losing his lifelong partner was a devastating blow. He shut himself in his room, depressed and refusing visitors. When Weng heard the news, she couldn't visit in person due to her studies, so she wrote him letters of comfort. These letters became a beacon of light for Yang, helping him emerge from his gloom. Over the course of a year, their correspondence deepened, and love quietly blossomed from their friendship.
A year later, Yang Zhenning was invited to teach in China and met Weng at Sun Yat-sen University. In just seven days, they confirmed their feelings for each other. Yang took the initiative to confess, and they quickly got married, announcing the news to the public. The revelation caused an uproar. The 54-year age gap was seen as an insurmountable chasm, and skepticism flooded in. Some even predicted they would divorce sooner or later.
But twenty years have passed, and Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan are still as loving as ever. Compared to her impulsive first marriage, Weng seems to have truly found her soulmate this time. Their love has shattered external doubts and shown that love transcends age—what matters is a meeting of minds.
From Weng Fan's two marriages, we can see her growth and transformation. The failure of her first marriage taught her what she truly wanted in life, while the second marriage gave her a spiritual home. Her story reminds us that marriage isn't about settling but finding someone who resonates with your soul. No matter what the world says, following your heart is the key to true happiness. Just like Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning, they ignored worldly opinions and stood firm together, proving the power of love over two decades. In this fast-paced era, such a love story is especially precious and makes us all ponder: What is true love and marriage, really? 来源:旧历史儿 2025-02-16 |