幾年前我設計了一門課,在課程介紹中提到了“China has the world's oldest living civilization”,沒想到給自己帶來了麻煩。亞洲研究系的主任看了我的課程介紹,給我發來一封電子郵件,問:“為什麼印度文明不是世界上現存最古老的文明?”一下子把我給問住了,因為以前從未考慮過這個問題,一直以為這是一個學術界公認的定論,從來沒有想到過還會有人有異議。我對印度文明素無研究,而這位主任卻是研究印度哲學的專家。
古代印度文明是存在於約公元前2500-前1750 年的一種城市文明。學術界一般認為,古代印度文明的主人是達羅毗荼人。考古發掘出了許多城市遺址證明,印度文明的城市建築水平相當高。城市設計布局合理,街道整齊,分住宅外、宮殿、公共浴池,建有完善的排水系統。當時的文字是一種由圖畫文字發展而來的帶有表音性質的文字。但是,古印度文明的創造者與今日生活在印度的具有雅利安血統的民族沒有親緣關係。今天的印度官方語言是印地語和英語,只有極少數人懂得梵語。
2. HINDUISM IS THE OLDEST LIVING CULTURE IN THE WORLD. Look around. Do you find any other culture that has lasted as long as the Hindu or Vedic culture? Do you see any other culture that after no less than 5,000 years, if not much longer, is still thriving and dynamic, practicing many of the same traditions as it did from thousands of years ago? Sure, you have other old cultures, like the Egyptian, the Inca, Maya, Aztec, all of which go back about 5,000 years, but none of these are still living cultures. They are all gone, leaving us but remnants and artifacts to figure out what really was their culture.
For the Vedic civilization, it is not something that we really need to decipher from old remnants. The traditions and practices that you presently see have been going on for many thousands of years. Its history is well documented in the Puranas, much of which even historians have not researched as well as they should. Through such study it is obvious that the Vedic society has a prehistoric origin. While most of the "living" cultures that we find today, and the most popular religions, are a modern creation in the sense that they have only come about within the past 1400, 2000, and 2500 years with the advent of the Muslim, Christian, or Buddhist religions. However, the Vedic culture goes back much farther. Many scholars have noted the antiquity of the Vedic civilization. For example, in his Discourse on Sanskrit and Its Literature, given at the College of France, Professor Bournouf states, "We will study India with its philosophy and its myths, its literature, its laws and its language. Nay it is more than India, it is a page of the origin of the world that we will attempt to decipher."
In this same line of thinking, Mr. Thornton, in his book History of British India, observed, "The Hindus are indisputably entitled to rank among the most ancient of existing nations, as well as among those most early and most rapidly civilized. . . ere yet the Pyramids looked down upon the Valley of the Nile. . . when Greece and Italy, these cradles of modern civilization, housed only the tenants of the wilderness, India was the seat of wealth and grandeur."
那麼中華文明是唯一延續至今的古代文明的說法是從何而來的呢?據說首先提出這個命題的是羅素。他在《中國問題》一書中曾說過:中國做為一個文明實體,是唯一從古代存留至今的文明。意思是說,是因為當初創造中華文明的主體民族依然存在,其語言、文字依然存在。對這個問題存在爭議很正常。我只看到了印度人的據“理”力爭,沒有看到埃及人、還有其他民族的人們說什麼。在這個問題上,肯定是公說公有理,婆說婆有理,所採用的標準不同,最後結果肯定也不一樣。還有人認為,雖然除中華文明之外的“三大最古老的文明”由於外族入侵和其他原因而中斷了,但是三大最古老文明的成果實際上並沒有“湮滅”,它們對於人類文明的貢獻和影響,一直保留下來了。比如世界通行的拼音字母、各種工具、建築格式等,就是從它們那裡繼承下來的並發揚光大的。因此,我想,為了保險起見,最好把前面那句話修改成“China is one of the world's oldest living civilizations”,或者“China is one of the world's oldest civilizations and one of the oldest continuous civilizations.”