怎么你又来了,春天。春天小姐,你成年累月这么急急忙忙赶路,让我的人生怎么走? 这里美东还是大雪封门,你就敲门了。如今这个微信是不俏也争春,争把春来报。我小时候在空军大院不知道的事都来了:春饼,咬春,春交岁,踏春···。这里还要说上一句真实的话,立春,迎春是知道的,立春是挂历,迎春应该是《红楼梦》,还有春节那是从小就知道的,吃饺子,逛厂甸儿。不过我从小到大一直有个疑问,为什么春节比元旦重要,元旦放假一天,春节是四天。
我揽裙当机,直接给花团锦簇地织成绣逗 — 喽。
-- 咋滴?不服啊?!
爷我还真不… ——哎哟! 瞧唉嘿!
姥—姥!板儿爷我走起,迎着 —— 稀罕你滴!
(老板:停!—— 打住!!最后一句你老沈胡诌乱侃整个整岔气去了,根本不像那么回事!—— 整个辜负了老潘昨儿孤心苦旨给咱们补课!—— 哎哟喂,老沈苦脸答道——老板有所不知,那白头仙翁阴着哩,昨儿一上午他不给咱来个痛快的,靠那太师椅上云山雾罩,哼哼哈哈、歪歪唧唧给俺们逗咳嗽玩。老沈是想猜题押宝来着,说“长老,您是想说您乃一得道老V修炼千年洞察世事能生能死可常可变本星球上没人能奈何得了您对不?”——被老头两眼一瞪,直接给吓回来了。老板人家升堂讲座您不是没给人银子吧,咱不差那几钱哪?要不赶明儿您着俺还钱连带赏小的几个,好教俺一高兴一壮胆没准儿能上前挠那老头两把,再把他那雪花膏头套给扔飞了,候那纸条(题底)一出溜, 咱不就见着真佛了吗?
老沈躬身半天,没听老板吱声,一抬头 — 坏菜!老板giggle真岔气儿晕过去了。没事没事,我给他掐掐一会儿就好。可明儿的差事,<各位>老板,您看…老沈恁办…行么?)
So, brethren and sisters,
humbly and gingerly, Lao Shen is here to beg for your attention:
Lao Pan is a true man, made for words
And as a man of letters, he is so peerless
Decades long he lurks there, in near-silence
Poetry his nourishment, vintage wines his companion
angrily , and desperately
he reads, he writes
Until the Dante in him wakes animate,
His poetic learning mounts menacingly
Our Lao Pan he then, marches out
Wielding his pen, shining his swordsmanship
He fights ferociously and gallantly
The land of the virtual-world, he conquers vast
He kills many a million
and sure never miss his chances, to flirt around lot
until one day he feels weary and loathsome
“Shit!let’s get rid of all of it! ” ----- is what he think
To a beauteous land he then comes
The poetic chord in him again plucking loud
See? this pastoral land,
what a lyrical piece of thing!
The slopes are gentle
foliage luxuriously green
Mountains dreamy, reposing so far
Ponds glass-like, shimmering here and there
Flowers of no name, richly dye the scene
Make breeze so sweet, with birds lively chirping
There are hare and deer
Or hidden, or now
Who shall be my life-long company
Whom I otherwise in olden days could devour
Oh, My, Oh My
This is a land of " The Apple-tree, the singing and the gold."
What Murray's "Hippolytus Of Euripides."
n-times in my daydreams recall
I shall stop roaming, no more
I shall stay here for good, and all
For this is my fairy land
Elysium in the true sense!
This thought and murmured
Lao Pan drops from horse
He blissed himself a sound joyous wash
And pampers himself with a sumptuous dine
Under the blossom apple tree he reclines
first time so soothingly, body and mind
stars are overwhelming, to make a milky way
all shed silvering light, where Lao Pan lay
nymphs come out, and the fairy-queen
fireflies shimmering, to lead the way
all come to marvel at, this strange being
and when Lao Pan, seems to have sense
his lips curl up, rendering a sweet smile
head slightly nod, like knowingly
Oh, how beautiful is the night
Which Lao Pan will ever embrace, years long, and no end
And in the days following
He labours hard, with a happy soul, a juicy mind
Until finally, he builds up a gorgeous palace there
Splendid is everything, in and out
Eyes hollow, chin raised high
Lao Pan our buddy, he stalks in square
The golden throne he ascents light-heartedly
The glistening crown he bestows himself atop heartlessly
And He is now the lord,
And He is now the king
Mob are all subject to him
No one never tries to win
Be sagacious enough
Or your chance to survive, shall be lean
This is Lao Shen means to say
To guard for well beings, to set things in nature’s way
Spring draws near, the festival jubilant days
Let’s be merry, let’s be gay
Health, wealth, happiness and beauty
All to you, brethren and sisters, it sourly may
Then so long, and adios
awaiting just patiently, our meeting days
So long, so long
Adios… ss…s
老沈预祝所有的老同学,兄弟姐妹 —