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高智晟:黑夜、黑头套、黑帮绑架 2009-02-10 13:15:19

 高智晟律师 (大纪元)



2007 年9月21日夜20点左右,当局口头通知说让我去接受例行的改造思想谈话。行在路上,我发现较往常比有了些异样,平时贴身跟踪的秘密警察们拉开了较远的距离。行至一拐角处时,迎面扑来六、七名陌生人。我的背后脖胫处被猛然一击,眼前感到整个地面飞速向我砸来,但我并未昏迷。接下来,感到有人揪起我的头发,迅速套上了黑头套,被架上了一辆凭感觉是两侧面对面置有座椅而中间无椅的车上。我被压迫趴在中间,右侧脸着地,感到有一只大皮鞋猛然踩压在我的脸上。多只手开始在我身上忙碌,由于他们对我一家的绑架频繁,故而照例在我身上未搜得对他们有价值的东西。但我感觉到了此次与以往绑架的不同。绑架者抽下了我的皮带将我反绑,我趴在车中间,估计着有不低于四个人的脚踏在我的身上。大约四十分钟左右,我被拖下了车站立着,裤子已掉至脚脖上的我被推搡着进了一间房屋,此前一直没有任何说话的声音。


“别他妈让丫的歇了”,王姓头目吼道(后来得知之姓王)。这时,一名个头一米九以上的大汉抓住头发将我揪起,王姓头目扑过来疯狂抽打我的脸部,“操你妈,高智晟,你丫的也配他妈穿一身黑衣服,你丫是老大呀,给丫的扒了”。我迅速被撕的一丝不剩。“让丫的跪下 ”,随着王姓头目的一声吼叫,后小腿被人猛击两下,我被打扑跪在地上。大个子继续揪住我的头发迫逼我抬头看着他们的头目。这时,我看到房子里一共有五人,四人手持电警棍,一人手持我的腰带。

“你丫的听着,今天几位大爷不要别的,就要你生不如死,高智晟我也实话告诉你,现在已不再是你和政府之间的事啦,现在他妈的已经完全变成个人之间的事啦,你丫的低头看一看,现在地上可一滴水都没有,呆会地上的水就会没脚脖,你他妈一会就会明白这水从那里来 ”。王姓头目在说这些话的时候开始电击我的脸部和上身。“来,给他丫的上第二道菜”,王头目话落,四支电警棍开始电击我,我感到所击之处,五脏六腑、浑身肌肉像自顾躲避似的在皮下急速跳躲。我痛苦的满地打滚,当王姓头目开始电击我的生殖器时,我向他求饶过。我的求饶换来的是一片大笑和更加疯狂的折磨。王姓头目四次电击我的生殖器,一边电击,一边狂叫不止。数小时后,我不再有求饶的力量,也不再有力量躲避,但我的头脑异常的清醒。我感到在电击时我的身体抖动的非常剧烈,清楚地感到抖动的四肢溅起的水花。这是我在几小时里流出的汗水,我这时才明白“呆会地上的水就会没脚脖”之意。






我的眼睛撞得流血不止,我倒在地上,至少有三个人坐在我的身上,其中一人坐在我的脸上。他们大笑不止,说我拿死来吓唬他们是提着耗子吓唬猫,这样的事他们见得太多啦。他们一直继续残忍地折磨我到天黑,我的眼睛什么也看不见。我能听得出,折磨我的人轮换着吃完饭后聚齐。其中一人走至我面前抓住头发将我揪站起来问:“高智晟,饿不饿?丫的说实话”。答曰:“饿得快要不行啦”。“想不想吃饭!得说实话”,之又问。我又答曰“想吃”。话落,不低于十几个耳光的一阵巴掌打得我一头栽倒在地。有一只脚踩在我的胸上,我的下巴被电警棍猛击一下,打得我疼得大叫。这时,有一根电警棍塞到我的嘴里,骂声也一同而至:“你丫的头发怎么这么不经揪?看看丫的这张嘴和别人有什么不一样的,还不是要吃饭吗?饿,丫的配吗?”但电警棍塞进嘴里后并没有用电击我。正不知所故,王姓头目发话:“高智晟,知道为什么没废掉丫的嘴吗?今晚上几位大爷得让你说上一晚上。甭跟大爷们扯别的,就说你搞女人的事。说没有不行,说少了不行,说的不详细也不行,说得越详细越好,几位大爷就好这个。大爷们吃饱喝足了,白天也睡够了,你就开始讲吧”。“操你妈,你丫的怎么不说呀,丫的欠揍,哥几个上,王头目大叫”。大约三支电警棍开始电击我,我毫无尊严地满地打滚。十几分钟后,我浑身痉挛抖动得无法停下来。我的确求了饶:“不是不说,是没有 ”,我的声音变得很吓人。“哥几个,怎么搞得呀,伺候了几天怎么把丫的伺候傻了?给丫的捅捅‘灯’(生殖器),看丫的说不说”。接着,我被架着跪在地上,他们用牙签捅我的生殖器。我至今无法用语言述清当时无助的痛苦与绝望。

在那里,人的的语言,人类的感情没有了丝毫力量。最后我编了先后与四名女子“私通 ”,并在一次一次的折磨中“详细”描述了与这些女人“发生性关系”的过程。直到天亮,我被抓着手在这样的笔录上签了名,按了手印。“半年内让丫的变成臭狗屎。这事整出去,你身边的那些人会像饿狗碰了一嘴新鲜屎一样高兴的”王头目大声说。(我出来后得知,就在第二天,孙*处长即把他们“掌握的”我乱搞男女关系“实情”告诉了我的妻子,耿和告诉之:其一,在给高智晟的为人下结论方面自己不需要政府帮助;其二,若过去纵有其事,在自己眼里,他实在还是那个写三封公开信的高智晟)。




对我肉体的折磨至此而止,而精神折磨一直持续。我被告知要开“十七大”了,在这里等候上面的处理意见。期间一些官员时有来访,变得温和了许些,也开始允许我洗脸刷牙了。亦有官员提出能否用我的写作技术“骂骂法轮功,价钱随你开口,知道你有这能力”。我明确告诉来者,“这不只是一个纯技术问题,这是一个困难的伦理问题。”到后来一看没有动静,又来说 “写法轮功的文章困难的话,也可以表扬表扬政府嘛,多少钱都不成问题。”最后是“写点东西说你出狱后政府对你全家很好,是受了法轮功和胡佳等人的蛊惑才一时糊涂写了给美国国会的公开信的,要不然,这什么时候是个尽头。你就不能可怜可怜你的妻子、孩子吗?后来作为交换,我写了一份说政府对我全家关心倍至,是受了法轮功和胡佳的蛊惑我才写给美国国会公开信的材料。回家前,我又被带到西安给胡佳打了一次电话。







参考译文:(English version)

Dark Light, Dark Hood and Kidnapping by Dark Mafia
-(My account of more than 50 days of torture in 2007)

These words from me today will be finally revealed one day. It will expose its true face in today’s China. It will disclose the unimaginable heart and characteristics of the “ruling party” in China. Of course, these words will inevitably bring unpleasant and even upset embarrassed feelings to those global “good friends” and “nice partners” of today’s CCP- IF these global “good friends” and “nice partners” still have some fear to the value of human conscience and morality in their hearts.

Today, the suddenly well off CCP has not only gained more and more global “good friends” and “nice partners” but also has made those perverted slogan such as “China is a country rule of law” lauder and lauder. Both will be disastrous to the progress and development of the human rights of the Chinese people.

Around 8 p.m. on September 21, 2007 the authorities notified me orally that I should go for a mind re-education (reform) talk. I found there were some unusual things happening at this time. The secret police, who used to follow me very closely, kept a further distance. I was walking down the street one day and when I turned a corner, about six or seven strangers started walking towards me. I suddenly felt a strong blow to the back of my neck and fell face down on the ground. Someone yanked my hair and a black hood was pulled over my head immediately.

I was brought to a vehicle and was put in it. Although I couldn’t see, it seemed to me that it had two benches with a space in the middle. I was put in the space in the middle on the floor. My right cheek was on the ground. All of a sudden a boot was put on my face holding me down. Many hands started searching all over me. My belt was pulled off and then used to tie my hands behind my back. At least four people put their feet on me holding me down.

About 40 minutes later I was dragged out of the car. My pants were falling down around my knees and I was dragged into a room. No one had said anything at all to me until that time. The hood was pulled off of my head at this time. Immediately men began cursing and hitting me. “ **, your date of death has come today. Brothers, let’s give him a brutal lesson today. Beat him to death.”

Then, four men with electric shock prods began beating my head and all over my body. Nothing but the noise of the beating and my anxious breathing could be heard. I was beaten so severely that my whole body began uncontrollably shaking. “Don’t pretend to do that!” I was shouted at by a guy whom I later learned was named Wang. Then a very strong and tall (1.9 meters) man grabbed my hair and pulled me up off the ground. Then Wang began beating me on the face terribly. “**, you are not worthy to wear black clothes. Are you a Mafia leader? Pull off all of his clothes.”

All my clothes were pulled off and I was totally naked. Wang yelled again, and someone kicked me in the back of my legs, and I collapsed to the floor. The big guy continued to pull my hair and forced me to lift my head to see Wang. At this time, I could see that there were five people in the room. Four of the men were holding electric prods, and one was holding my belt. “You listen, Gao, today your uncles want nothing but to make your life worse than death. I tell you the truth, your matter is not only between you and the government. Look at the floor! There is not a single drop of water. After a while the water will be above your ankles. After a while you will learn where the water will come from.”

While Wang was saying this, the electric shock prods were put on my face and upper body shocking me. Wang then said, “Come on guys, deliver the second course!” Then, the electric shock baton was put all over me. And my full body, my heart, lungs and muscles began jumping under my skin uncontrollably. I was writhing on the ground in pain, trying to crawl away. Wang then shocked me in my genitals. My begging them to stop only returned laughing and more unbelievable torture. Wang then used the electric shock baton three more times on my genitals while shouting loudly. After a few hours of this I had no energy to even beg, let alone, try to escape. But my mind was still clear.

I felt my body was jerking very strongly when the baton touched me. I clearly felt some water sprinkled on my arms and legs as I was jerking. It was then I realized that this was sweat from me. I realized what Wang meant about the water.

It seems that the torturers themselves were also tired. Before the dawn came, three of them left the room. “We will come back later to give him the next course,” Wang said. The two left in the room, put a chair in the middle of the room and pulled me up and set me in the chair. One of them had five pieces of cigarettes in his mouth. One man stood behind me and the man with the cigarettes was in front. The man behind grabbed my hair and pulled my head forward and down. The other man used the cigarettes to fill my nose and eyes with smoke over and over. They did this with the utmost patience. After a while I didn’t have any feeling except for some tears dropping on my legs. This continued for about two hours.

Then some other guys came in replacing the previous two. My eyes could not see
because they were now swollen shut. The new guys started talking, “Gao, are you still able to hear with your ears? I tell you the truth, these guys are experts in cracking down on Mafia guys. They are heavies. This time they are chosen specifically and carefully by the authority above for this purpose. Can you hear who I am? My last name is Jiang. I followed you to Xiajiang after you were released last year.”

“Are you the one from Penglai City, Shandong?” I asked.

“Yes, your memory is still good. I told you, you would come back sooner or later. When I saw you the way you behaved in Xiajiang, I knew you would be back. You even looked down upon our police. Shouldn’t we help you have a better lesson? You wrote that letter to American congressmen. Look at you, you traitor. What could you be given by your American lord? The American Congress counts for nothing. This is China. It is the Communist Party’s territory. To capture your life is as easy as stepping on an ant. If you dare to continue to write your stupid articles, the government has to make its attitude clear. Now, did you see that attitude tonight?” Jiang spoke slowly.

I asked, “How can you face the beating of Chinese and use Mafia tactics on Chinese taxpayers?”

“You are an object to be beaten. You know that in your heart better than most. Taxpayers count for nothing in China. Don’t talk about this term taxpayers.”

While he was saying this, someone else entered the room. I recognized the voice to be Wang’s. “Don’t talk to him with your mouth. Give him the real thing. Your uncles have prepared 12 courses. We only finished 3 last night. Your chief uncle doesn’t like to talk and so following you will see that you will have to eat your own S*** and drink your own piss. A toothpick will touch your light (sexual organs). Don’t you talk about torture by the Communist Party yet, because we will give you a comprehensive lesson now! You are correct, we torture Falun Gong. Everything is right. The 12 courses we’re going to give to you were practiced on the Falun Gong, to tell you the truth. I am not afraid of you if you continue to write. We can torture you to death without your body being found. You stinky outsider (meaning, not from Beijing)! What are you thinking even being here?”

In the following hours of torture I passed out several times, because of lack of water and food and heavy sweating. I was lying down on the cold floor naked. I felt several times someone come and open my eyes and shine a flashlight in them to see if I was still alive. When I would come to, I smelled the strong odor of stinky urine. My face, nose, and hair were filled with the smell. Obviously, but I don’t know when, someone urinated in my face and on my head.

This torture continued until around noon on the third day. I don’t know where I got the strength to endure, but somehow I struggled to get away from their grasp and began to beat my head on the table. I was shouting the names of my two children (Tiangyu and GeGe) and trying to kill myself. But my attempt did not succeed. I thank Almighty God for this. It is Him who rescued me. I truly felt God drag me back from that state and give me my life. My eyes were full of bleeding, though because of my head banging. I fell on the ground. Immediately, three people sat on my body. One was on my face. They were laughing. They said I used my death to try to scare them. They said they have just seen this too many times. They then continued the torture again until that night. I could not see anything with my eyes anymore. I could still hear my torturers though, and again they gathered after they had dinner.

One of them came and pulled my hair dragging me up. “Gao, are you hungry? Tell us the truth?”

I said, “I am very hungry.”

“Do you want to eat? Tell us the truth?”

I said, “I want to eat.” My face instead was slapped repeatedly, a dozen times or more, and I again collapsed to the ground. A boot stomped on my chest and I was shocked with the baton on my chin. I screamed. Then the baton was put into my mouth.

“Let’s see how different your mouth is from others. Don’t you want to eat? You said you are hungry. Are you worthy?” The baton was in my mouth but was not turned on. I didn’t know what they wanted to do.

Wang said, “Gao, do you know why we didn’t destroy your mouth? Tonight your uncles want you to talk the whole night. We want you to talk about nothing, but about how you are a womanizer. You are not allowed to say you are not one. You are not allowed to say there are just a few women, either. Don’t forget any details. You can’t leave any details out. Your uncles like this. We have slept and eaten enough, it’s your time to talk.”

“Why didn’t he talk? Beat him up brothers?” Wang shouted. Three batons began shocking me. I was crawling all over trying to get away still naked. After more than 10 minutes, I was shaking uncontrollably again.

I begged them. “I didn’t have an affair. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you.” I heard my voice was quivering.

“Are you becoming a fool? Let’s use the baton to light you and see if you start talking.” Then two people stretched out my arms and pinned them to the ground. They used toothpicks to pierce my genitals. I can’t use any language to describe the helplessness, pain, and despair that I felt then. At a point like that, language and emotion do not have the power to explain. Finally I made up stories, telling them about affairs that I had with four women. After more repeated torture, I had to describe how I had sex with each of these women. This continued until dawn the next day.

At that time, I was dragged to where I had to sign the transcript of my confession about my affairs. “If we send this out, you will become stinky dog’ s *** in half a year.” Wang said loudly. (After I was released, I learned that the day after the torture the interrogator named Sun Huo informed my wife about “the truth” they learned about my affairs. My wife told them it was none of their business; she said, “I still trust Gao.”)

After this torture for days, I often lost consciousness and was unable to determine the passage of time. I don’t know how long had passed. A group of them were preparing to torture me again. Another guy came in though and rebuked them. I could hear it was a deputy director from the Beijing PSB. I had seen him many times before. I thought him to be a good person. I could not see him though, because my eyes were still swollen. My whole body was beaten and unrecognizable. He sounded angry because of my condition. He found a doctor to attend to me. He said he was appalled and surprised. He said, “This torture doesn’t represent the Communist Party!”

I asked him, “Who directed this?”

He didn’t reply. I asked to be sent back home or even just back to prison. He didn’t reply. He brought my torturers back into the room and rebuked them. He ordered them to buy clothes for me and give me a blanket and food. He told me he would try his best to either get me back to prison or back home.

As soon as the deputy left, Wang began cursing me. “Gao, you even dream to go to prison? No, that is too easy. You won’t have any chance to do that as long as the CCP is still in power. Don’t even think about that.”

That same night, I was transported to another location but I didn’t know where, since I had a black hood over my head again. I was continuously tortured there again for another 10 days. Then one day, they put the hood on me again, and I was put into a vehicle. My head was forced in between my legs and I had to remain that way for more than an hour.The suffering was more than I could stand, and I wanted to die.

After another hour at a new location, the hood was removed. Four of the previous five torturers were not there. But, I saw the same group of secret police who used to follow me.

From then on the physical torture stopped, but emotional torture continued. I was told the 17th Communist Party Congress was starting and that I had to wait for the higher authorities’ opinions about my case.

During that time some officials came to visit my cell. Their attitude was softer, and I was also allowed to wash my face and brush my teeth. Some officials proposed to me to use my writing skills to curse Falun Gong instead, and that I could charge whatever I wanted for doing that.

I said it is not a technical problem but an ethical problem. “So,” they proposed, “if that is too hard, then write articles praising the government, and again charge whatever you want.” Finally they proposed, “If you write what we direct and that you were treated well after prison and that you were fooled by Falun Gong and Hu Jia, things will go well. Otherwise, how can you find an end to your suffering? Think of your wife and children.”

In exchange, I did write an article that said the government treated my family well. I wrote the open letter to the U.S. Congress and gave the reason that I was fooled by Falun Gong and Hu Jia.

Before I was released to go home, though, I was brought to Xian city. I was brought to call Geng He (my wife). On the date of the mid-autumn festival, the authorities asked me to call my wife and comfort her since she was holding a protest and trying to commit suicide over the government’s treatment of our family. The content of the call was all designed by the authorities. (Later I learned that my wife’s response was also choreographed.) I could still not open one of my eyes at that time and since the call was being taped, I was told to explain that it was from myself-inflicted wound.

In the middle of November 2007, after I got home, I learned that my house was thoroughly searched again without a single document or search warrant. During those more than 50 days of torture, I had many strange feelings. For example, sometimes I could hear “death” and sometimes could hear “life.”

After the 12th and 13th day of my kidnapping, and when I could again partially open my eyes, I saw my body was in a horrifying condition. Not a single square centimeter of my skin was normal. It was bruised and damaged over every part.

Every day while I was being held, the experience of “eating” was unusual. Whenever I was at the point of starving, they would bring up “mantou” (steamed bread) and offer it to me. If I would sing one of the three famous revolutionary Communist party songs I could have some bread. My deepest desire was that I wanted to live until that was no longer possible. My death would be torturous for my wife and children, but at the same time I didn’t want to dirty my soul. But, in that environment human dignity has no strength. If you don’t sing these songs you will continue to be starved, and they will continue to torture you, so I sang.

When they used the same tactic though, pressuring me to write articles attacking Falun Gong, I didn’t do it. But, I did compromise by writing my statement saying the government didn’t kidnap and torture me and that they treated my family well. I did sign that document.

During these more than 50 days, more horrible evils were committed than I told here. Those evils were not even worthy of any historical records by any human governments. But those records will further enable us to see clearly that how much further the leaders of CCP are willing go in its evil crime against humanity in order to protect its illegal monopoly power! Those evils are so dirty and disgusting, that I don’t want to mention it at this time and perhaps will never mention it in the future.

Every time when I was tortured, I was always repeatedly threatened that, if I spelled out later what had happened to me, I would be tortured again, but I was told, “This time it will happen in front of your wife and children.” The tall strong man that pulled my hair repeated this over and over during the days I was tortured. “Your death is sure if you share this with the outside world.”

This was repeated many times. These brutal, violent acts are not right. Those that did it, themselves, knew this clearly in their hearts.

Finally, I want to say a few words which won’t be liked by some folks. I want to remind those so-called global “good friends”, “good partners” called by the CCP that the increasing degree of brutality and coldness against the Chinese people by the CCP is the direct result of appeasement by both you and us (our own Chinese people).

Gao Zhisheng
Written on November 28, 2007 at my besieged home in Beijing
Authorized to be released to international community on February 9, 2009

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· 《国际人权》促放维权律师高智晟
· 高智晟失踪7月 公民维权联盟向当
· 高智晟“被失踪”半年多 高智义进
· 高智晟失踪将近半年各界再表关注
· 高智晟获诺贝尔和平奖提名 夫人
· 高智晟律师的支持者、异议人士徐
· 高智晟獲國際維權律師獎
· 高智晟女儿谈父亲
· 高智晟获美国律师协会国际人权律
· 高智晟获ABA国际维权律师奖
· 华邮社论声援维权律师高智晟
· 荷兰电台:高智晟律师行踪成谜
· 外界再次失去与高智晟的联系
· 台北律师公会人权保护委员会主委
· 《纽时》:美应关注高智晟等异议
· 小磊:从高智晟的遭遇看中共洗脑
· 高智晟现身 专家解读中共本质
· 【热点互动】高智晟失踪之谜(3)
· 【热点互动】高智晟失踪之谜(2)
· 【热点互动】高智晟失踪之谜(1)
· 掸尘:高智晟露面的背后
· 李和平杨子立分别探望高智晟
· 高智晟遭遇可窥中国维权律师处境
· 胡访美前夕美联社专访高智晟 大
· 耿和质疑高智晟为何变得如此苍老
· 胡访美前夕中共恐吓美国 借高智
· 【中国禁闻】高智晟美联社访谈
· 高智晟接受美联社专访 大陆学者
· 高智晟北京接受美联社独访
· 欧议会要求向中共施压交出高智晟
· 电话采访高智晟:高律师希望近期
· 耿和与国际社会同寻高智晟【视频
· 耿和谈与高智晟通话经过
· 刘晓:“铁肩担道义”的大丈夫们背
· 大纪元记者与高智晟通话 耿和:
· 中國著名律師高智晟同家人通過電
· 高智晟“现声”五台山 中国律师:
· 被失踪一年后高智晟称人在五台山
· 英外相問楊潔篪 高智晟律師下落
· RFA:耿和与国际社会同寻高智晟
· 高兄长家属回避电话 高智晟安危
· 中共迫于国际压力透露高智晟信息
· 中共承认高智晟被判刑 媒体报导
· 高智义:三周前同高智晟通过电话
· 中共再提高智晟被判刑 下落仍是
· 律师促UN关注失踪维权律师高智晟
【高智晟的视频 04】
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
【高智晟的视频 03】
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
【高智晟的视频 02】
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
【高智晟的视频 01】
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 高智晟谈2006年被绑架及狱中遭受
· 掸尘:高智晟的“被走丢”与江峰的
· 袁紅冰:高智晟是反中共暴政的英
· 澳媒:“被失踪”的高智晟新年不快
· 耿和谈网络流行的两张高智晟照片
· 高智晟律师妻子回应中国政府的声
· 失踪中国人权律师高智晟“被找到”
· 【新纪元】童文薰:高智晟在哪?
· 赵子:良知律师高智晟
· 高智晟失踪周年 港团体游行促中
· 失踪一年整 高智晟再获诺贝尔和
· 高智晟失踪1年 台NGO呼吁国际协
· 外电:中国律师高智晟失踪之谜
· 中国维权律师关注组:寻找高智晟
· RFA:依国际法追究高智晟失踪案
· 中共被迫回应高智晟“在该在的地
· 《晨锋报》:迹象显示高智晟还活
· 高智晟真的“迷路”了?
· 高智晟生死不明 耿和渴盼丈夫消
· 高智晟走失 郑恩宠:管理成本太
· 高智晟被迷路 贵州异见者谴责中
· 维权律师高智晟“迷路走丢”律师界
· 警察说高智晟“失踪”关注组要求中
· 高智晟生死未卜 胞兄再进京找弟
· 高智晟大哥电话被封 外界吁全球
· RFA张敏:高智晟的“负责任大哥”请
· 高智晟律师现被非法羁押在北京市
· 高智晟下落不明 其姐遭软禁威胁
· 奥巴马访华 高智晟家人受威胁(
· “高智晟之友”写信给奥巴马 呼吁
· 中国法制问题为何提上了美国国会
· 何天开: “寻找高智晟”全球签名
· 香港多团体联署要求奥巴马促中国
· 寻找中国的良心—─高智晟 : 全球
· 美国会中国人权与法制听证 关注
· 港民团关注内地维权律师高智晟
· 关注高智晟律师失踪逾半年 何俊
· 美议员关切中国维权律师被取消执
· 10万人签名请愿书要求中国释放高
· 傅希秋递交呼吁释放维权律师的签
· 香港人士中联办抗议促释放高智晟
· 多个团体要求中国政府公开交代高
· 高智晟失踪5个月 其大哥进京寻下
· 维权律师高智晟已失踪120多天
· 中共驻美大使否认高智晟被绑架
· 美国务院深切关注中国维权律师
· 高智晟妻子致美國國會議員公開信
· 美国参议员联名致信胡锦涛 呼吁
· 纽时:异议人士的家人如何逃离中
· 中国禁闻:美著名法学家为高智晟
· 未来中国基金会高智晟家属捐款鸣
· 美国会议员吁 北京释放高智晟
· 美国国会参议员会见耿和 严重关
· 视频:高智晟妻子耿和与傅希秋抵
· 香港抗议中共打压维权律师升级
· 耿和与何俊仁纽约吁中共停止迫害
· 中国维权律师关注组主席探望高夫
· 高智晟妻纽约呼吁各界关注高律师
· 高智晟之妻耿和与何俊仁纽约召开
· 美出庭律师委员会盼高智晟早日获
· 【新纪元】高智晟家人逃抵美国
· 耿和非常担心高智晟的处境
· 高智晟夫人访谈:艰难的日子(上)
· 洛杉矶关注高智晟与家人 忧中共
· 高智晟再次被国保带走并受到虐打
· 中国当局否认限制高智晟妻儿的人
· 国际关注人权律师高智晟下落不明
· 何俊仁绝食 声援高智晟 关注组责
· RFA与高智晟儿子天宇的对话视频
· 高智晟妻女在美国首次接受电视专
· 高智晟家人抵美 欧政要呼吁释放
· 新唐人将播放电视专访高智晟妻儿
· 耿和与子女安全抵纽约 高智晟处
· 高智晟妻诉一家人遭受迫害、创伤
· 高智晟妻谈逃亡 感谢各界营救
· 高智晟家属援助基金捐款方式
· 高智晟妻抵美后接受自由亚洲独家
· 高智晟律师之妻耿和偕子女安全扺
· “高智晟之友”致美总统及国会议长
· 国际政商法律界要人促释放高智晟
· 高智晟后北京忆通律所将再遭停业
· 追查国际将对迫害高智晟的所有凶
· 纽约各界谴责中共酷刑折磨高智晟
· 刘路:不屈的良知——夜访高律师解
· 图片新闻:纽约各界举行盛大集会
· 我不禁想问一下 -- 为高智晟律师
· 因声援维权律师高智晟,北京家庭
· 纽约将举行“停止酷刑 停止迫害
· 美国会人权研讨会 高智晟遭酷刑
· 孙文广:暴力见闻四—— 高智晟遇
· 王天增:高智晟 你在哪里?
· 唐化 : 古今大戏数风流 还看今朝
· 高智晟失踪 港团体要求中共交代
· 古镜:赞高智晟
· 信天翁:欣闻耿和抵美
· 掸尘: 中共打造出无围墙史上最
· 南德意志报:从高智晟妻耿和逃离
· 赵静芝:谁让她们承受如此生命之
· 陈破空:我曾目睹中共监狱酷刑
· 李天笑:高智晟击中中共死穴
· 徐梅 : 习近平为何要堵中国人权
· 徐天麟:支持高智晟
· 【热点互动】从高智晟受酷刑看今
· 唐化:高智晟乃天地间伟丈夫
· 童文薰:对高智晟施暴者的审判日
· 陈锦云 : 中共酷刑的党文化基础
· 尤利 : 一个对下体情有独钟的政
· 林昌国:酷刑不能征服良心
· 刘路:酷刑是一种政府犯罪
· 正义之剑 : 看高智晟律师迫害遭
· 高智晟遭酷刑 中国律师:对整个人
· 新唐人直播预告:从高智晟受酷刑
· 【锋笔天下】史达:远离邪恶
· 未署名:胡锦涛温家宝不要装聋作
· 王天增:正义必将战胜邪恶
· 高智晟遭酷刑迫害 中国律师震惊
【追访高智晟 45】
· 追访高智晟(45) 山东被抓前的最
【追访高智晟 41-44】
· 追访高智晟(44):高智晟在山东突
· 追访高智晟(43): 呼吁周永康停止
· 追访高智晟(42):特务系统的绝望
· 追访高智晟(41) 该干什么还干什
【追访高智晟 37-40】
· 追访高智晟(40):赴临沂 跟踪车辆
· 追访高智晟(39)向爱德华鞠躬
· 追访高智晟(38) 香港九评研讨会
· 追访高智晟(37):谈“拒郭事件”
【追访高智晟 33-36】
· 追访高智晟(36)“国家心理专家”遥
· 追访高智晟(35)特务们的─恼怒
· 追访高智晟(34): 特务骚扰日益升
· 追访高智晟(33):中共曾试图收买
【追访高智晟 29-32】
· 追访高智晟(32)超越自我及灵魂
· 追访高智晟(30): 向苏家屯两位证
· 追访高智晟(29):缺少灵魂的社会
【追访高智晟 25-28】
· 追访高智晟(28)高智晟:带血的美
· 追访高智晟(27):有信仰的人越战
· 追访高智晟(26):踏上旅途
· 追访高智晟(25) 川行惊动四省公
【追访高智晟 21-24】
· 追访高智晟(24) 陕西人清浊两分
· 追访高智晟(23):暗暗动摇的中共
· 追访高智晟(22) 进入西安 震动三
· 追访高智晟(21) 车留北京 由西安
【神与我们并肩作战 73-76】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(76)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(75)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(74)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(73)
【追访高智晟 17-20】
· 追访高智晟(20)有家难回 再度
· 追访高智晟(19):曝光中共特务
· 追访高智晟(18) 马文都在北京被
· 追访高智晟(17) 安全返京 感谢关
【追访高智晟 13-16】
· 追访高智晟(16):道德之战
· 追访高智晟(15):被逼离老家 官员
· 追访高智晟(14) 与陕北特务较量
· 追访高智晟(13)受困陕北 特务
【神与我们并肩作战 69-72】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(72)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(71)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(70)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(69)
【追访高智晟 09-12】
· 追访高智晟(12):清明祭祖和农村
· 追访高智晟(11):每个中国人都走
· 追访高智晟(10):如果基督再临
· 追访高智晟(9):中国人正在抛弃
【神与我们并肩作战 65-68】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(68)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(67)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(66)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(65)
【追访高智晟 05-08】
· 追访高智晟(8):大雁有痕 迹在
· 追访高智晟(7):山西省委“反腐
· 追访高智晟(6) 高律师讲真相 —
· 追访高智晟(5) 定州的冤民
【神与我们并肩作战 61-64】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(64)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(63)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(62)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(61)
【神与我们并肩作战 57-60】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(60)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(58)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(57)
· 奥巴马访华难避人权议题 耿和呼
· 耿和:我的先生、孩子的父亲你在
· 北京维权律师高智晟妻子耿和的公
· 耿和:神与我们并肩作战 黎明定
【追访高智晟 01-04】
· 追访高智晟(4)同行者马文都
· 追访高智晟(3)评胡佳获释
· 追访高智晟(2) 定州的遭遇
· 追访高智晟 (1) 定州车祸
【神与我们并肩作战 53-56】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(56)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(55)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(54)
· 高智晟:受迫害日记(1)--一
【陕北农娃到十大律师 5-7】
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到十大律师(7)
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到十大律师(6)
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到十大律师(5)
【神与我们并肩作战 49-52】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(52)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(51)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(50)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(49)
【陕北农娃到十大律师 1-4】
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到十大律师(4)
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到十大律师(3)
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到“十大律师”的
· 高智晟从陕北农娃到“十大律师”的
【神与我们并肩作战 45-48】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(48)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(47)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(46)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(45)
【神与我们并肩作战 41-44】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(44)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(43)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(42)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(41)
· 视频采访:高智晟谈2006年被绑架
【神与我们并肩作战 37-40】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(40)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(39)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(38)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(37) “
【神与我们并肩作战 33-36】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(36)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(35)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(34)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(33)
【神与我们并肩作战 29-32】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(32)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(31)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(30) “
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(29) “
【神与我们并肩作战 25-28】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(28) “
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(27)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(26)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(25)
【神与我们并肩作战 21-24】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(24)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(23)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(22)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(21)
【神与我们并肩作战 17-20】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(20)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(19)空
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(18)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(17)
【神与我们并肩作战 13-16】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(16)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(15)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(14)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(13)
【神与我们并肩作战 09-12】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(12)-
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(11)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(10)
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(9) 就
【神与我们并肩作战 05-08】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(8) 母
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(7) 三
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(6) 我
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(5) 一
【神与我们并肩作战 01-04】
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(4) 四
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(3) 从
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(2) 从
· 高智晟:神与我们并肩作战(1) 从
· 高智晟录音:太邪恶了 这能在中
· 高智晟:黑夜、黑头套、黑帮绑架
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