Leonardo DiCaprio 从二十年前“Titanic”号上帅气的小正太,磨练成到今天血水泥水里摸爬滚打的硬汉,“最佳男主角”实至名归。他的获奖致辞,提到应对全球气候变暖的紧迫性。我尤其欣赏最后两句:“Let us not take this planet for granted. I do not take tonight for granted." -- 一个成熟的有担当的人,魅力尽显。
然而昨晚颁奖礼上的最佳男主角,倒应该是主持人Chris Rock。全场独白,紧扣奥斯卡提名中的“白人独尊”现象,幽默而犀利。"I'm here at the Academy Awards, otherwise known as the White People's Choice Awards. You realize, if they nominated hosts, I wouldn't even get this job." …… "What I’m trying to say is it’s not about boycotting or anything. It’s just we want opportunity. We want the black actors to get the same opportunities as white actors. That’s it. And not just once. " 他使得这场颁奖礼,在庆祝电影界成就的同时,又有一条社会性的严肃主线贯穿始终,有艺术有政治,有欢乐有批判,神形不散。
而昨晚颁奖礼上的最佳女主角,一定属于Lady Gaga!她在几十位性侵犯受害者的伴随下,演唱的"Til It Happens to You" 充满伤痛,充满力量,催人泪下,非常震撼!
水晶姐:这些电影,有的已经出DVD,或者可以通过电视的VOD来点播收看了,比如Spotlight, The Martian, The Big Short, 现在Netflix上都有了。我强烈推荐the Martian. 你也可以看看你家的Rogers TV 或者Bell TV 有没有。姐姐看完来写影评啊!