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英格兰的瓷器 之 墨珈艺术陶 2023-04-16 10:07:08





十七世纪的美洲红釉陶: Redware - utilizing red to pinkish clay made as early as the late 1600s by American colonists. Red color due to the amount of iron in clay.


十九世纪的北美黄釉陶:Yellowware utilizing buff to yellow-orange clay made between the 1850s to early 1900s in New England, New York and Pennsylvania. Ohio eventually became the center of yellowware pottery manufacturing.


十八世纪的英国墨珈艺术陶:Mochaware often referred to as mochaware is a type of dipped ware made in England between 1780 and 1840s for export and was one of the cheapest decorated-ware available. In the old potteries, it was referred to as Mocha or dipped ware. In 1799 it cost sixty percent more than plain creamware. By 1814, it appears on potters' price lists as only twenty percent more, and it stayed that way until the 1840s.



  • Mochaware was first made by William Adams of the Greengates factory, Tunstall, England (1745-1805). Along with his blue-painted and enameled pottery, it brought Adams significant notoriety. This style of pottery, which could be sold at a moderate price, found considerable favor in some quarters from its very quaintness. It was white or creamware, somewhat rudely decorated with seaweed or tree-like effects, in black or dark brown, on a pale colored zone of pale blue or light brown outlined with narrow bands of dark colors. The name mocha was derived from mukha, a precious stone, a variety of moss agate, found near the town of Mocha, in Arabia. English factories were turning out quantities of mocha, almost always hollowware- mugs and pitchers as opposed to flat pieces like plates.




  • Mochaware continued to be made by his Adams cousin, William Adams (1748-1831) of the Brick House, Burslem who started a large new factory at Sneyd Green, Cobridge Hall in 1770 and remained here until 1831. Burslem was the center and principal seat of the Potteries in the seventeenth century. It was still being made in the Adams factory as late as 1903. Mochaware was also made in other British factories, among them Bristol and in the Cambrian Pottery in Swansea, South Wales Pottery at Llanelly, Leeds and Hull in Yorkshire, and in Glasgow, Scotland where the common drinking cups, bowls, and mugs were made as early as 1823. The grounds were usually brown, green, or yellow decorated with ornamental rings. Mochaware in classical shapes and distinctive greens and yellows was also made in four French factories after a group of English potters emigrated across the Channel in the early 1800s. A fair amount of French mocha was exported to Louisiana. However, it did not appear in America until later.

American Yellowware.jpeg


  • The British made a great deal of mochaware specifically for the American market. Large quantities were imported and it was quite inexpensive - very affordable for the average American. American potters started to make mocha ware in the 1850s, almost always on yellowware bodies, banded in black and white. There were American makers in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. American-made goods with thicker and heavier, with murkier designs. 



  • Dating mochaware is difficult because it was never marked by its makers. It continued to be made in this country until the 1930s. It was often used in pubs and common dining establishments. Today it is prized for its unique and highly graphic designs. It is relatively rare and expensive in today's market.



芝加哥艺术学院 Tigereye Glaze.jpg


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作者:席琳 回复 Siubuding 留言时间:2023-04-17 10:46:54

好眼力!洛杉矶时报上说:它让人想起古老的乡村小酒馆,那里有古老的定居点、板球桌和抽长烟斗的老绅士(It is evocative of ancient country taverns with aged settles, cricket tables and old gents smoking long pipes)。

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作者:席琳 回复 Siubuding 留言时间:2023-04-16 19:20:05


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作者:Siubuding 留言时间:2023-04-16 13:27:44

比较古风埃及风啊。非我所好。在Myer 之类的高级精致 department stores, 似乎都是骨瓷和纯白釉。

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