主料:1-1.5 斤五花肉,200-250克百叶结
陪料:葱段, 姜片,八角, 老抽,生抽, 料酒, 糖.
煮法:先把五花肉在开水里烫一下(去血水),再在油里和芭蕉八角姜片煎出香味儿。然后把煎过的五花肉和陪料1一起中火煮20-30分钟。 熄火,放在节能锅里1小时, 再加百叶节煮半小时左右,加糖适量收汤即可。
Ingredient 1: 1-1.5 lb pork belly meat, 1 pack (200-250g) bean curd knot
Seasoning ingredient: anise, ginger, green onion, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1tsp cooking wine, 1tsp sugar
Cooking Method:
Quick boil the pork meat, drain. Fry the pork till the meat skin turn to light golden. Boil all the ingredient together for 20min ( after the water boiling), remove from the fire and leave it in the Energy Saving Cooker for 1hour, add sugar, re-boil the meat till the meat is tender and soup is thick.