现代人的用眼过度是普遍问题: 电视,电脑,爱拍, 连本来用耳朵的电话, 自从装了微信, 也变成用眼睛了。
眼睛只使用不保养是会出问题的, 希望总结几点简单易做的和朋友们共勉。
用眼时间不可过长, 定时让眼睛休息,每 30-40分钟, 休息5-10分钟, 望望远处, 或做做眼操。 晚上入睡时间尽量在11点之前。 同时保持情绪舒畅
饮食营养均衡, 适量补充绿叶菜,蓝莓橙子, 胡萝卜, 鸡蛋, 新鲜鱼类,坚果等食物。(见后面补充的理由)。 避免吸烟,控制酒量, 尽量少吃辛辣刺激食物。
运动改善全身血液循环,包括眼睛。 尤其乒乓球等球类运动, 增加眼睛的多方向运动。 户外运动,要记得带太阳眼镜。 光照加速眼睛老化, 加重黄斑病变等。
Leafy Green
They're packed with lutein and zeaxanthin—antioxidants that, studies show, lower the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
Berries and Citrus
These fruits are powerhouses of VC, which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration and cataracts.
The yolk is a prime source of lutein and zeaxanthin—plus zinc, which also helps reduce your macular degeneration risk, according to Paul Dougherty, MD, medical director of Dougherty Laser Vision in Los Angeles.
Fatty fish
Tuna, salmon, mackerel, anchovies and trout are rich in DHA, a fatty acid found in your retina—low levels of which have been linked to dry eye syndrome, says Jimmy Lee, MD, director of refractive surgery at Montefiore Medical Center, in New York City.
They're filled with vitamin E, which slows macular degeneration, research shows. One handful (an ounce) provides about half of your daily dose of E.