节能锅使用报告 俺虽然很少煮焦饭, 但一遍遍去擦炉台上粘乎乎的粥汤, 肉汤的事却时常发生. 朋友Fiona四个月前推荐俺买了节能锅, 觉得忒好用啦,不好意思袖手旁观椰子这样的好同志吃焦饭, 现将俺的使用报告贴在此, 供参考. 正式名称: Vacuum Insulated Thermal Cooker. 使用频率: 几乎天天用 干什么用:褒汤, 煮粥, 卤肉,自制酸奶, 煮一切难煮的,不易烂的东西. 适用对象: 常进入忘我境界的万维作家们. 最佳品牌: 不知道.俺只是货比一家,买的是减价货,心疼俺的银包大出血. 安全程度:绝对安全, 不会爆炸. 难易程度:傻瓜也会用. 主要结构:分内外锅 (Fig 1), 内锅可以在火上煮, 外锅只是用来保温. 使用说明: Step 1: 用内锅把要煮的东西在火上煮N分钟 ( Fig. 2 ). Step 2: 熄火, 把内锅放在外锅里保温N小时 (Fig 3-4). 此时,节能锅会接着煮你的food, 而你可以出去血拼了, 也可以上万维网游了, 最enjoy这一步. Step 3(optional): 把内锅拿出来回火收汤,如需要收浓汤或彻底收汤. 实验实例(example recipes): go to http://blog.creaders.net/guangcao, 看"恋节能锅情节系列" Examples [粥 Congee] [肉类 Meat] [汤 Soup ] [主食] [甜品 Dessert ] 实验结论:简单又安全,省事省能源. 唯一遗憾:不能自动收汤.  Official Name: Vacuum Insulated Thermal Cooker. Usage Frequency: Everyday What for? cooking soup, congee, meat, beans, etc, making yogurt. Whom will fit: Those who like to daydream when cooking. Best brand: Do not know, I bought the discounted one. Safety ranking: absolutely safe, won’t explode. Usage difficulty Level: a cooker for dummies. Main components: a stainless steel inner pot ( can cook on fire) and a outer container to keep the temperature. Cooking Steps Step 1: Put the ingredients and seasoning in the inner pot, put the inner pot on fire and cook.(Fig 2) Step 2: Take the inner pot off the fire, place it in the outer container. Leave the pot for specified time for keep-warm cooking. You can go out shopping or enjoy novels now. (Fig 3-4) Step 3(optional): Put the inner pot back on fire to reboil if you want the soup get thicker. Example recipes: visit http://blog.creaders.net/guangcao Conclusion: Easy, safe and convenient to use. |