肉馅配料: 7-8 个马蹄切碎, 7-8 朵干香菇泡软后也切碎, 2棵葱切成葱花, 1个生鸡蛋, 半勺盐 (也可加少许鸡精-optional )
1. 青瓜去皮,切厚片, 挖去少许青瓜瓤, 以便装肉馅 (见图2)
2. 把肉馅配料加入猪肉馅中,搅匀。 放在青瓜上面。
3. 大火蒸10分钟。
* 新鲜马蹄吃起来有爽脆的口感。 实在没有新鲜马蹄可用罐头马蹄代替。 **新鲜马蹄和香菇使得肉馅吃起来可口酥软。

The minced pork can be replaced by minced fish.

Ingredients 1: 2 pieces of hair cucumber, 1/2 pound minced pork, 8 pieces of fresh waterchestnut, 8 pieces dried mushroom ( soak in warm water for half a day or till soft)
Ingredients 2: 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoon chopped green onion, 1 raw egg, ( optional: 1 teaspoon of chicken powder)
1. Prepare the cucumber
a. Peel the skin and cut it into thick slice
b. Cut out the central part of the melon slice. (Figure 2)
2. Prepare the filling stuff
a. chop the mushroom and water chestnut into small pieces then pour them into the minced pork
b. add ingredient 2 in the minced pork, and stir evenly
3. Put 1.5 tablespoon filling stuff on top of the cucumber slice (Figure 4).
4. Steam for 10 minutes.
*** water chestnut provides a very nice crispy, crunchy texture. |