主料:三条带筋的牛腱(1.5-2斤) .
配料:葱段, 姜片,八角,花椒, 桂皮,老抽,生抽, 料酒, 糖.
煮法:先把牛腱用沸水汆烫去血水. 然后和配料一起中火煮20 分钟, 熄火,放在节能锅里1.5小时之后, 再回炉煮20分钟左右, 加糖适量收汤即可, 若不收汤可留做老汤, 放冰箱, 下次用( 我没试过, 白狐说可以留老汤).
等牛肉凉下来之后再切好切. 切下来的牛肉片对着光照照, 筋是透明的:
Ingredient 1: 3 piece beef leg muscle (the type with tendon, 1.5 -2 catties),
Seasoning ingredient: 5 anise, 6 slice fresh ginger, 1 cinnamon roll, 1 stalk green onion, 2 tbsp dark soy sauce, 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1tsp cooking wine, 1tbsp sugar
Cooking Method:
Quick boil the pork meat, drain. Boil all the ingredient except sugar together for 20min ( after the water boiling), remove from the fire and leave it in the Energy Saving Cooker for 1.5 hour, add sugar, re-boil the meat for 15 more min till soup is thick. Wait for it cool down to cut into slices.
When beef is cooled down to room temperature, it can be served as it is. If the beef has been saved in the refrigerator over night, I prefer to steam it for 5min before serving.