茭白,也叫水笋或茭瓜、是水生草本植物, 与莼菜、鲈鱼并称为江南三大名菜。中医认为茭白性寒味甘,有清湿热解毒催乳汁等功效,是高血压、高血脂者的佳品。
1. 油焖茭白
Braised Water Bamboo Shoot
4-5支茭白切滚刀块, 用大火在油里翻炒两分钟,加一大勺生抽酱油、料酒,一勺白糖、及1杯水, 盖上锅盖用中火焖, 待水分快干时,开盖翻炒两下上盘即可。
Ingredients: 4-5 piece of water bamboo shoot, 2 tbsp cooking oil, 1 tsp cooking wine, 1 tsp sugar, 1tbsp he light soy sauce.
1. Peel off the tough outer layers , cut into chunks.
2. Heat up the fry pan, add oil and turn the fire to medium, Stir fry the water bamboo shoot for 2 min,
3. Add cooking wine, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, sugar and 1 cup of water or chicken soup, cover it up and cook in medium fire till almost dry.
2. 酸辣茭白
Hot and Sour Water Bamboo Shoot
大火煸香姜,蒜,辣椒, 下茭白切片翻炒1分钟, 加盐,香醋,糖再翻炒1分钟即可。
Stir fry the minced ginger, garlic and chili in high fire for 10 sec, add sliced water bamboo shoot to stir fry for 1 min, add a pinch salt, 1.5 tbsp Chinese vinegar, 1 tsp sugar, then stir up for 1 more min, dish up.
3. 肉丝炒茭白
Stir fried Pork with Water Bamboo Shoot
Add ½ tsp cooking wine, 1 pinch salt & 1 tsp corn starch to the shredded pork and marinate 10 min, Quickly stir-fry the shredded pork in high fire for about 30 sec ( pork changed color), take the pork out and then stir fry the mushroom and water bamboo shoot till tender, pour the cooked pork back into the pan and stir fry everything together for 10sec, seasoning it with salt and pepper if needed.
4. 茭白木耳肉片汤
Water bamboo shoot and pork soup
鸡汤加上发好的木耳和茭白片儿煮滚1-2分钟, 下裹了淀粉的猪肉片儿,一烧开,加盐和香菜,马上起锅。肉片可以是嫩嫩的, 汤是鲜鲜的。
Boil the softened black agaric and sliced water bamboo shoot in chicken soup for 1-2min ( after boiling), add the pork slice ( coated with corn starch), immediately remove from the fire after the boiling. Add salt and Chinese parsley if like.