今天一个朋友告诉我Stefan Fischer早就不在了, 我震惊,你是说那个有超凡创造力的Stefan ? 那个超善良的Stefan ?
我上网查了一下, 是他,难过!
我多年前有幸认识 Stefan, 做为同事但又不在同一国家, 每年见两三次。Stefan总是笑眯眯的,见面给我一个大大哈格. 他看上去很随和, 工作上却很出色, 他为公司贡献了很多有用的技术专利。 我离开那家公司时他被提升到美国研发团队的经理了。
在纪念Stefan的网上有人写“ He was one of those "smartest guys you've ever met" ,
他是聪明,而且是不张扬的聪明,总是耐心地解答别人的问题, ready to help.
“You were not only the bright smart MR guru who explained MR concepts in such an easy way, but you were so kind hearted, the most humble credible person I have ever met. You were so generous with me in sharing your knowledge and time to make us successful. I will terribly miss you ”
Dear Stefan
I am simply heartbroken at the news of your passing. What an immensely bright, generous, and delightful person you were to know and work with. I will miss you tremendously - it just won't be the same without you. -
留言把一个活生生的Stefan带了回来, 他是少见的smart又kind的人。有人曾经告诉我, 这个世界上只有两种男人: 一种是successful man; 另一种是 kind man. Stefan向我们证明了可以做到both。
I had met Stefan only recently at a pulse programming course in Cleveland. In that time I had come to like Stefan tremendously. His knowledge and experience in MRI and his capacity for teaching were remarkable. I was so impressed that such a senior person took the time to spend so much time with us who were there to learn the basics.
记得有一次他出差来香港, 想带礼物给他太太和孩子, 我陪他去买。在他为太太精心挑选白金项链时, 我是他的试戴模特,他拿起项链挂在我脖子上, 笑眯眯地端详,直到满意,高兴地付款。。。 我能感受到他多爱他的太太,爱他的孩子, 言谈间感受到他为两儿子骄傲。
有人写到:”I'm a better person by knowing him“。
The way he lived his life inspired many poeple around him !