主料:1.5 斤五花肉,
材料1:香菇10-20朵 (depending on size), 1只干魷魚(略浸水後切成塊兒), 大蒜,薑片,八角, 2勺老抽,1勺生抽。
材料2:筍乾或扁尖1-2兩 (浸水泡軟)
煮法:先把五花肉在開水裡燙一下(去血水),再在油里和芭蕉八角薑片煎出香味兒。然後把煎過的五花肉和材料1一起中火煮半小時。 熄火,放在節能鍋里1-1.5小時, 再加扁尖煮半小時左右, 加1勺糖收湯即可。 俺喜歡筍乾和魷魚乾有點Chewing的口感, 所以不泡太久. 啊, 好香!
我的台灣朋友說這是台灣菜, 香港朋友說她們家也是這樣煮, 管它是台菜還是港菜, 反正是下酒的好菜, 家裡沒有五糧液, 就來杯葡萄酒吧.
Assume all the ingredient are cleaned.
Ingredient 1: 1.5lb pork belly meat.
Ingredient 2: dried mushroom ( 10 pieces), dried squid (1 piece), garlic, ginger, anise, dark soy sauce (2tbsp), light soy sauce(1tbsp), sugar ( 2 tbsp )
Ingredient 3: dried bamboo shoot
1. Soak the dried bamboom shoot in water for 1-1.5 hour, soak the dried mushroom and dried squid in water for 5-10 min, then cut the squid and bamboo shoot in the similar size of the mushroom.
2. cut the pork into big chunks and boil in water for 2 min, drain
Cooking Steps:
1. fry the pork in midium fire for about 5 minutes or till pork skin turn light goldern color. drain the oil.
2. boil the pork together with ingredient 2 for half an hour,
3. leave the boiled pork in vacuum thermal cooker for 1 hour.
4. boil the pork again together with bamboo shoot for 20min.
5. add sugar and boil for 5-10 more min or till sauce getting thicker. |