[转发] 跟梁警官案最相似的意外开枪走火打死人案 纽约警察2004年跟梁警官最相似的意外走火打死人案,警察被大陪审团免于起诉。 2004年1月24日白人警察Officer Richard S. Neri Jr.在政府房的房顶上巡逻,跟梁警官一样拿着枪,手指放在扳机上,当他正打开通往楼井的门时,住在附近楼里的一个人 Timothy Stansbury突然推门而入, Neri警官吓一跳而开枪走火打死此人。 大陪审团认为这是一个意外而免于起诉。 梁彼得的枪击更意外,是从墙上弹射过去打死格里的。 两个案子比较可见,梁警官完全是被当了黑白冲突的替罪羊,因为政治原因被起诉判罪的。 英语原文如下, : The shooting of Timothy Stansbury occurred in New York City on January 24, 2004. Stansbury was an unarmed 19-year-old New York City man who was shot and killed by New York Police Department Officer Richard S. Neri Jr. on January 24, 2004. Officer Neri and a partner were patrolling the rooftop of a housing project in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn at about 1 a.m. Officer Neri, with his gun drawn, approached a rooftop door to check the stairway inside. Neri testified to a Brooklyn grand jury that he fired his standard Glock 19 pistol unintentionally when he was startled as Stansbury pushed open the rooftop door. Stansbury, a resident of an adjoining building, died from one shot in the chest. The grand jury found the shooting to be accidental. On February 17, 2004 after nearly a month of investigation, the grand jury declined to indict Officer Neri on charges of criminally negligent homicide and manslaughter, finding instead the shooting to be accidental.