主料: 茭白*
配料: 鸡肉,木耳,葱花, 蒜末, cooking oil,
准备工作: 木耳用温水泡软待用; 茭白去皮切片待用; 鸡肉切片,略加料酒淀粉拌一下.
蒜末煸香, 加一点盐, 倒入鸡片划散炒熟, 盛出.
再用葱花, 少许盐, 炒软木耳和茭白, 加炒熟鸡片, 再翻炒15-20秒, 可加水淀粉勾薄芡. (原来想勾薄芡的, 可等吃完了才想起来 ).
* 我没有茭白时, 用土豆片代替。
Ingredient1: water bamboo shoot, black agaric, chicken meat ( breast or thigh),
Ingredients 2: minced green onion, minced garlic, salt and cooking oil.
1. Soften the black agaric by soaking it in warm water;
2. slice the chicken meat, add ½ tea spoon cooking wine and corn starch, marinate it for a few minutes,
3. peel off the tough skin of water bamboo shoot, then slice it.