调味料: 1大勺泡软的海米(optional),芥末(我找不到小时候我妈喂我们吃的那种芥末,就用了Japanese Wasabi paste),生抽, 醋,香油.
1. 将洗净的菠菜切2-3寸段;开水中烫熟捞出,沥去水分(Fig 1)。
2. 芥末调味酱:把芥末、生抽、醋和香油放小碗里搅匀,兑成调味汁,然后浇在菠菜上 (Fig 2), 拌匀即可。
据说Wasabi 有很多好处,包括抗癌,抗氧化,抗菌消炎等等。
For detailed information, check http://www.wasabia.com/science-biomedical.php
Main ingredient: Spinach
Spice Ingredients: Wasabi paste, light soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil
1. soak the dried shrimp in water till soft then chop into small pieces.
2. cut the spinach into 6 cm pieces, boil the water 1st, then put the spinach in to boil for 1 min, drain.
3. prepare the wasabi sauce: mix the wasabi paste with soy sauce, vinegar and sesame oil well in a small bowel.
4. add the dried shrimp and wasabi sauce to the spinach, mix it well, then serve.
话说一对夫妇, 老婆是中国人,老公是米国人。 一天,老公上班时,老婆把家门前一块脏兮兮的地毯清洗干净了。老公回来很是惊讶,因为他以前也尝试过洗那块地毯, 上面那些旧的油垢就是洗不掉,于是问老婆用了什么magic洗洁剂?
老婆回答他:“ Gas.”
老公说:“ Just tell me what you\'ve used. “
老婆又答:“ Gas.”
老公说:“Come on, just tell me what ? “
老婆也有点儿不耐烦,告诉你了啊,怎么还问啊,又说一遍:“Gas. “
老公见老婆不耐烦也有点急, “Idon’t want to guess, tell me what ? “
老婆嗓门也高起来了,“ Gas,I told you already! ”
一来二去,两人都是急脾气,几乎红了脸才搞清楚,原来老婆说的“gas” 被老公听成“guess”.
后来老婆把这个插曲讲给我们几个朋友听, 我们teasing她:这跨国婚姻还真有communication problem 啊。