Green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. 1. 金银蛋上汤苋菜  主料:苋菜 400g ( 也可用菠菜、豆苗,etc) 配料:咸鸭蛋、皮蛋各1个, 大蒜5-6粒, 、盐少许, 高汤1.5大勺,糖1/2 小勺,麻油少许。 准备:先把咸鸭蛋煮熟,鸭蛋和皮蛋均剥皮切小块。 炒法:烧热1.5大勺油,爆香蒜头,放入苋菜翻炒半分钟, 加高汤, 接着炒至7成熟,放咸鸭蛋、皮蛋, 接着翻炒至苋菜完全变软。 根据需要,加少许盐,糖,麻油调味上盘。(不过要记着咸鸭蛋已经带盐, 我用的高汤是盒装鸡汤, 也是咸的了) 2. 白灼菜心苗  主料: 菜心苗(300g-400g)(可用菜心,生菜,芥蓝,etc) 调料:蒜茸(3-4瓣蒜), 葱末少许, 炒菜油(1.5 tbsp), 蒸鱼豉油少许, 高汤(1大勺), ** 没有高汤, 可用水, 再用点鸡精。 做法:把洗干净的菜心放到开水(或高汤)中焯一下捞出装入盘中。 热油炒香葱蒜末,加入豉油,高汤,搅搅匀,浇在码好的菜上即可。 Carotenoids and Vitamin A Numerous studies have found evidence that carotenoids reduce the risk of some cancers. The evidence is particularly strong for lung cancer (Ziegler, 1989), even after taking smoking into account. Every study that examined the role of carotene-rich foods found reduced lung cancer risk with higher intake, and about 20 of 25 studies yielded statistically significant results. Five of six studies of blood carotenoids found that persons with higher levels had reduced risk. There is no question that smoking is the strongest risk factor, and quitting smoking is the most important step to reduce risk. It appears, however, that there may be additional benefit to increasing the consumption of foods containing carotenoids. Carotenoids are found in dark yellow/orange vegetables and fruits such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and cantaloupe and in deep green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and collard greens. There are many different carotenoids in such foods, including beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lutein. 1. Ziegler RG: A review of epidemiologic evidence that carotenoids reduce the risk of cancer. J Nutr 119:116-122, 1989. ---- |