说起神操作,转, It looks more and more like the Europeans want to draw America into planting a long-term, high-risk footprint in Ukraine. On the other hand, it is looking less and less like Trump wants to have anything to do with it.
American negotiating teams have now met with Russian counterparts several times. Not once has the Ukraine war been on the agenda. It is increasingly obvious they are making up for four years of diplomatic neglect. The two great powers have much to discuss.
The actual agendas with Russia have included restoring diplomatic relations, discussing Iran and the Middle East conflict, and, most of all, the BRICS and the dollar’s status as the world reserve currency. Ukraine has not been on the list. So, despite all the hysterical wailing about negotiating about Ukraine without Ukraine, that has not, in fact, happened. ---------------- 欧洲人似乎越来越想将美国拉入乌克兰的长期、高风险足迹中。另一方面,特朗普似乎越来越不想参与其中。