Directed by Casey Nicholaw, the Broadway show debuted in 2014, with music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Howard Ashman, Tim Rice and Chad Beguelin, with the latter also penning the book. It was nominated for five Tony Awards. James Monroe Iglehart, who plays the Genie in the show, won the Tony for best featured actor in a musical.
Based on Disney’s 1992 animated film, and set in the ancient city of Agrabah, the titular hero, Aladdin (Adi Roy), is a clever, big-hearted thief trying to change his life. Jasmine (Senzel Ahmady) is an intelligent, headstrong princess determined to marry for love and rule the kingdom as her husband's equal, even though custom dictates women be subservient to men. They meet at the marketplace and share an adventure, though their budding relationship is forbidden because Aladdin is not a prince. But when Aladdin comes into possession of a magic lamp containing a powerful Genie (Marcus M. Martin), he uses his three wishes to win over Jasmine.