喜欢外销瓷的朋友,可以到特拉华的温特图尔博物馆里面去参观,里面收藏有1554件保存精美的成堂成堂的外销瓷,像是一个外销瓷仓库,尤其是徽章瓷。那是曾经被亨利·弗朗西斯·杜邦(Henry Francis du Pont)居住过的老房子。可以让你流连忘返,目不暇给。



博物馆号:1961.1427 (1788-1810)修复后

博物馆号:1961.1427 (1788-1810)修复前

博物馆号:2005.0037 (1785-1788)

博物馆号:2005.0037 (1785-1788)画有出海口
Isaac Hendrickson(1757-1837)- Hendrickson was was a prominent shipping merchant and was part owner of the brig Pratt. The ship and its cargo were seized and condemned as a lawful prize by the French Republic while bound for the French port of St. Pierre, Martinique, on April 27, 1795. Hendrickson was a prominent member of the Wilmington city government. He died in Wilmington, on March 18, 1837. The bowl descended from Isaac and his second wife, Sarah J. Hendrickson, through their daughter Sidney Jane and her husband, Jonathan Rumford.

博物馆号:1960.0572 (1780-1790) 
博物馆号:2000.0061.037 (1780-1790)




A Chinese porcelain punch bowl with rounded, spreading sides. Painted round the outside, in black outline and colors, is a view of the 13 hongs (also known as the Canton factories) on the waterfront at Canton, with the Dutch, British, Swedish, French, and other flags flying and boats in the foreground. On the foot is a red-and-gold key-fret and spearhead border, and inside, a green and red border with pendant frieze of vases among scrolling motifs, and in the center, a roundel with a flower vase within a green border of fruit and flowers. Bowls painted with this subject were produced for export from about 1780, with the American hong and flag being added to the scene about 1785.