还有,你关于 Kent school district 的解释本身就是个半谎言。 你给的原因: 我们在午餐中取消猪肉是为了减少红肉,增加鸡肉的选择给学生。 这些改变是因为联邦和州立政府对健康饮食的倡议。 Kent学区的小学由于菜单上选择不多,所以没有包括猪肉,但在中学的菜单上有猪肉。 我们已经这样做很多年了。 但这是它的原文: Several years ago, changes were made to Kent School District (KSD) breakfast and lunch menus to reduce the pork and red meat options and increase the variety of poultry options for students. These changes were made in accordance with state and federal guidelines and have been designed to provide the most healthy and nutritional options available, offer attractive options that students would enjoy thus reducing waste, and addressing a variety of medical, cultural, and regional needs, tastes, and sensitivities. Because of limited menu options at smaller schools, pork products are not served at the elementary level and are labeled at the secondary level. This practice is not new or isolated to Kent schools. Every effort is made to accommodate a variety of health and dietary requirements, including medical needs and food allergies, in the over 15,000 meals served daily in 42 KSD school locations. The Kent region is one of the fastest growing and culturally diverse areas in the United States and the Kent School District is one of the most diverse school districts in Washington State with 28,000 students from over 100 countries and speaking over 130 languages. The award winning KSD Nutritional Services Department is made up of dedicated professionals that respect and support all students for healthy living and healthy learning. 你漏掉了很重要的原因吧? |