川普因煽暴将被提案弹劾 麦康奈尔对此表示高兴 众院民主党正式提出针对川普总统的弹劾条款,指控他6日煽动群众对国会暴乱,众院13日将在总统当选人拜登就职前一周表决,川普恐沦为美国史上首位任内两次被提案弹劾的总统。由于有不少共和党籍众议员表态支持弹劾案,众院可望在13日第二次通过弹劾川普总统。 民主党在弹劾川普法案的决议草案中,引述川普在大选期间不实宣称有大范围选票造假舞弊,而他在选举结束后的数个月,乃至上周国会参众两院联席会议认证大选结果期间,仍在重复该论调。 据《纽约时报》报道,参议院多数党领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(共和党)告诉周围的人,他很高兴民主党因唐纳德·川普在上周三国会大厦暴民骚乱中的作用而提案弹劾。 知情人士告诉《纽约时报》,麦康奈尔已经告诉这些同伙,他相信川普犯下了可被弹劾的罪行,对他进行弹劾将使共和党摆脱川普变得更容易。 McConnell said to be pleased by movement to impeach Trump over insurrection, report says. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has told associates he is pleased Democrats are moving to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in Wednesday's riot at the Capitol, The New York Times reported. The Times added that McConnell has told these associates that he believes Trump has committed impeachable offenses and that impeaching him will make it easier to rid the GOP of Trump, people familiar with his thinking told the publication. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/01/12/us/impeachment-trump-25th-amendment