泌尿系統 urinary system
消化系統 digestive system
過敏性鼻炎 allergic rhinitis
胃下垂 gastro-ptosis
分娩中 she’s in labour
前列腺炎 prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland)
腦淤血 have a stroke
膽結石 gallstones
膽囊炎 inflammation in gallbladder
輸卵管堵塞 blockages in uterine tubes
視網膜 retina
致命的打擊 deal a fatal blow to…
花心 like a playboy, be unfaithful
魚苗 immature fry of fish
淋巴癌/淋巴結 lymphoma / lymph node
發揮才華 put his talent to best use
內分泌失調 endocrine disorders
義氣 be loyal to friends
膽 bile
脂肪肝 fatty liver disease
缺德的事 immoral
水晶體 crystalline lens
將身上的醫療器具拔掉 she took away all of the life-support system
白內障 Cataract
卵磷脂 lecithin
水溝 gutter
核輻射 radiation (comes from nuclear plant)
造高樓蓋地鐵 Build sky-scrapers, and dig in the ground to build underground transport system
傳銷 multi-level marketing
五斗櫃 chest of drawers
鞋櫃 shoe cabinet
棉被 quilt
怕老婆 henpecked
香爐 censer
外公/爺爺 maternal grandfather/ paternal grandfather
河螺 winkle
醫院都不收他了 even the hospital refuses to take the person in
松果體 pineal gland
退化 degenerate
兵馬俑 terra-cotta soldiers/horses. Clay figures.
有緣眾生 those who have affinities with the Buddha
好自為之 to look out for yourself and do your best
滄桑 have experienced all that life has to offer
人成及佛成 The perfection of humanity leads to the attainment of Buddhahood
救人一命勝造七級浮屠 the merit of saving a person’s life is more than that of building a high stupa
無緣大慈 同體大悲 Be kind to those with whom we have no affinities, and be compassionate to all. (Be kind to even strangers, be compassionate to all)
慈航普渡 boat of compassion save all sentient beings
上心香 Offer Heart incense
成住壞空 formation, dwelling, decay, and emptiness
共業 collective karma
不可以少善根福德因緣得生彼國: You will not be reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss unless you have good roots, blessings, proper causes and conditions.
七寶池 八功德水 The Pools of the Seven Jewels and the Eight Waters of merit and virtue
承認命 acknowledge the existence of fate and fortune
命很短/長 has a short/long lifespan
兩個人都不是東西 Both of them are losers.
分財產 fight over inheritance
無法無天 this person is not bound by any rules and moral values
父母是最著急的 Parents are always the most anxious
很多人說走就走 People nowadays suffer from many strange diseases, they can die in an instant.
病是跟著人心走的 The severity of diseases progress with the deterioration of our conscience, it progresses with the passage of time.
人間沒有道理可講, 只有因果 There is no absolute right or wrong in this world, only causes and consequences.
沒把自己當回事doesn't take myself very seriously
地藏王菩薩的誓願就是 The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s vow is : He will not attain Buddhahood until all hells are vacated.
我當然要管你們:I am like your elder uncle, of course I have to discipline you guys.
嘴巴不能亂說 手不能亂動 even though a person cannot talk or move at will.
好好地用意念 use your will wisely and carefully
現代人吝嗇到連說人好話都不肯 People are so stingy today that they don’t even want to say something nice about other people
不要只看眼前利益 don’t just look at the short-term profits, you have to see things in the longer term
殊途同歸 All roads lead to Rome
西方三聖 Three Sages of the West
接引至西方極樂世界 take living beings to the Western Pure Land of Amitabha Buddha
不委屈 You don’t feel unfairly treated
不苦悶 Don’t feel depressed.
我們到人間來也空空去也空空 When we come to this world, we didn’t bring anything with us; when we leave, we won’t take anything with us.
抓緊時間 make the best use of your time/hurry up
苦盡甘來 after suffering comes happiness
惜福 cherish your blessings
人道就是煩惱道 human realm is realm of afflictions/worries
隨緣 accord with conditions/affinities; go with the flow
開緣 exceptions to the precepts
讓我笑得非常開心 had me in stitches
半斤八兩 The pot calling the kettle black
當場 right on the spot
孟婆湯 drug of forgetfulness
有求必應 Your prayers will definitely be answered; Receive responses. Pray to Somebody for Something
犯沖煞 having “the opposing conflict”
犯沖 have karmic conflicts, (as our age gap is 6 years)
福人居福地 Fortunate persons live on fortunate land
該你的就是你的 what’s meant to be yours will be yours
人傷我痛 when other people get hurt, I feel the pain
菩薩是人傷我痛 Bodhisattvas feel the pain when sentient beings are suffering.
語言布施 a form of giving called giving of positive speech
陰陽調和 harmony of yin and yang.
逆流而上 swim against the current (tide)
放下萬緣 let go of everything, external conditions
一心不亂 one mind unconfused
都攝六根 淨念相繼 The six sense organs are gathered in, and pure thoughts continue in succession.
信願行三資糧 Three provisions: Faith, Vows, and Practice
人天福報 attain the blessings of rebirth in either the human or heavenly realms.
勇猛精進 Practice/cultivate with vigor and diligence
出離心 have the wish to transcend the world
為法忘驅 forgetting himself for the sake of the Dharma.
水到渠成 Success comes naturally
居士 Layperson
圓融處世 be tactful in dealing with things
天律, 地律 The Laws of the Heaven and the Laws of the Underworld.
觸犯天條 break the Laws of the Heaven
聰明反被聰明誤 a clever (calculating) person may become the victim of his own calculation.
說到底 in the final analysis
水能載舟, 亦能覆舟; 心能造罪, 亦能滅罪 Boats can travel in water, and they can also sink in water. Offenses can be created by the mind, and they can also be eradicated by the mind.
坐立不安 be on tenterhooks
折壽 lifespan will be cut short
學佛就是在學做人 Learning Buddhism is to help us to become a good person
慧命 wisdom life
慧根 the root of wisdom
不辜負 Don’t be ungrateful to the Buddha’s teaching/ Don’t waste the precious opportunity that..
苦心 painstaking efforts
地殼變動 frequent movement of the crust of Earth
用意識/意念來溝通 communicate through thoughts
真修者獲益 True cultivators will obtain benefits
善修者獲安 Skilled cultivators will obtain safety
不修者獲報 Those who do not cultivate will undergo retributions
吃剩的食物 leftovers
帶業往生 carrying past karma into rebirth
家和萬事興 If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper
楊枝淨水 pure water on the willow branch of Guan Yin Bodhisattva is pouring down from your head
須彌山 Mount Sumeru
諾亞方舟 Noah’s Ark
秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang Di, the first emperor of China in 221 BC, conquered six countries and unified China for the first time and brought it under control of one ruler.
拿破崙 Napoleon I, Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1805
精神控制肉體 Our spirits controls our bodies
流星 shooting star (meteor)
表象很容易讓我們的智慧遺失 What appears on the outside tends to make us lose our wisdom very easily
任何事情用不同的處理方法就有不同的結果 We can deal with the same problem with different solutions. Each solution would lead to a different result.
相對論 量子力學是物理學的基礎 Albert Einstein’s relativity and quantum mechanics are considered as the foundation of physics. It confirms both macroscopic and microscopic theories.
高次元的空間 higher dimensional space, universe’space is layer by layer, similar to Mount Sumeru.The higher you go, the wider it is; the lower you go, the narrower it becomes. It is constructed by small particles and spiritual matters.
做人就要像人 we are human beings, so we should do what a human being should do. A better person we become, the more conscience we can recover.
神聖跟莊嚴 sacred and solemn
有什麼好貪的 What is there to be greedy about? Who is there to hate?
你們是什麼樣子, 菩薩就已什麼樣子來度你們 Based upon the type of persons you are, the Bodhisattva would manifest himself in this type of person to help and save you.
人間有太多的虧要吃 有太多的便宜要占 We have so many losses we have to suffer; we also have so many gains we can get in the world.
吃明虧不吃暗虧 Rather be taken advantage of explicitly, than be stabbed in the back.
人面獅身像 Sphinx
一遇到事情就傻掉了 they are dumbfounded at the news…
聰明智慧可以修得出來 Cleverness and wisdom can be acquired by cultivation
不生不死斷煩惱 If you can cultivate to the level that you understand there is neither birth nor death, then you can get rid of worries
沒看見的東西就不存在嗎 Don’t judge based upon what you can see with naked eyes. Can you see the air, germs, etc. Dark matter accounts for 80% of all the matter. ßà Luminous matter (visible)
心動不如馬上行動 if your mind reacts, then you will take actions. However external environment changes, your mind does not react.
以靜制動 inaction
打井 Drill a water well
難捨能捨 it’s difficult to let go but you can let go of
不惹塵埃 prevent “the dust” from alighting on him/her.
一動念, 因緣就產生了 once you give rise to thoughts, you create causes and conditions
一動念生十法界 one thought of the mind creates the Ten Dharma Realms
師父領近門, 修行在個人 The Master merely leads you in the door, you have to cultivate on your own
克己復禮 Restraining the self and returning to propriety
非禮勿視 Look at nothing improper, listen to nothing improper, say nothing improper, and do nothing improper.
人間不斷上演著悲歡離合 Our lives are filled with stories of joys and sorrows , partings and reunions.
情願或不情願 willy-nilly
有了可以沒有,沒有可以修到擁有 What you own today can disappear tomorrow, but what you don’t have today can be yours if you cultivate well.
撫養小孩we brought up the kids and when they grow up and are able to take care of themselves, they will leave us.
以戒為師 We should take precepts as our Master
認賊作父 Taking a thief as your father
他很後悔打了孩子耳光 He bitterly regretted that he slapped his kid in the face.
玄奘法師西天取經,歷經81難 Xuanzang Buddhist sutras, after 81 difficult
大量出血 Heavy bleeding
少欲無為 身心自在 mind and body are always at ease
養老院 nursing home
枷鎖 we are bounded by fetters and shackles
心有芥蒂 he holds grudges against other people