这是2015年Black Friday最激动人心的deal: 九集纪录片《癌症的真相》外加两集问答,感恩节开始,连续5天,免费重播。 请关注健康的朋友,千万不要错过!并转告您的亲人朋友,让他们抽空观看。健康第一!!! 一个月前,纪录片The Truth about Cancer - A Global Quest首次公映,我每天晚上准时收看,第二天还要重温一到两遍。其中2-3集,让我流了许多眼泪。我最大的感慨:如果我能早点得到这些信息,患癌过世的母亲和其他家人朋友,也许还活在人间。我最大的收获,就是对癌症不再恐惧... Get Educated! Knowledge is Power! Episode 1: The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly Episode 2: Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils Episode 3: Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow Episode 4: Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature’s Pharmacy and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions Episode 6: The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside A German Cancer Clinic Episode 7: Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy Episode 9: Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory Q&A with Ty and Charlene: Part 1 Q&A with Ty and Charlene: Part 2 From: The Truth About Cancer Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:43 AM Subject: A Global Quest Replay links & Black Friday deals... | Hey Trampoline,
I'd hate for you to miss watching any (or all) of the 9 episodes again, so I just wanted to make sure you had the links to watch.
This page has the links to ALL 9 episodes of “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” plus 2 Q&As.
Be sure to share this with your friends and family too.
They’ll thank you for it. :-)
Enjoy, Ty Bollinger
PS. We are offering a Black Friday Sale of 50% off both the Silver package and the Gold package if you want to own a copy for yourself (or give it as a gift to someone you love - ships within 24 hours and guaranteed delivery by Dec 15th within the US. International orders may take a few days longer).
This sale is available now and through the weekend (or until we run out of inventory).
Simply click on any of the ads on the pages to learn more
5-Day Holiday Replay Marathon is Happening NOW!Did you miss an episode (or three)? Want to watch your favorite ones again? Then You're In Luck Because Not Only Are We Replaying All
COMMENT WITH FACEBOOK: Share your thoughts below:
Ercan Joshko Dear Mr Bollinger, I am extremely grateful for your efforts, time and devotion. You have amassed a wealth of knowledge, that is priceless. What you achieved is brilliant it is a HOPE and knowing that there are other options for all cancer patients. Thank you for sharing with us. Like · Reply · 2 hrs
· Works at Self-Employed I agree that cancer is not a disease, but a symptom of our immune system not working properly and there are many "reasons" behind it. It is important to address all of them: body (food etc), mind (negative thinking paterns, like not good enough, not deserving, etc) and emotional state. It is easier to understand how our thoughts and emotions influence our bodies if you watch "What the bleep" DVD. There is also this woman - Julie Renee Doering (you can find on youtube), who had multiple cancers which she cured herself off and she developed healing method for different issues, (not just cancer) on the energetic/vibrational/celular level. Check it out, very interesting. I did her process on clearing genetic markers for cancer on her free call in October, very easy to do. It is based on quantum physics approach if I understand it correctly, but to me it is not that important how it works, as much as that, it is working smile emoticon Like · Reply · 3 hrs
· Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Amazing to say the least....wish I knew how to email this information to my daughter who lost her first husband to melanoma Like · Reply · 11 hrs
I shared this information with family and friends on Facebook and no one bothered to check into it. The masses seem to be mistrustful of free information. I guess they are so brainwashed by "the system" that they trust mainstream medicine implicitly. This is very sad. Like · Reply · 11 hrs
· Works at AeroMech Solutions LLC I can go to Mc Donalds and get a nasty 1000 cow combined burger heart attack frys and a poisoning sugar coke for 6 bucks. Or I can go to Whole Foods and get a grass fed burger with organic veggies goat cheese on a gluten free bun and a glass of water. Like · Reply · 12 hrs
· Human Resources Admin. Asst. at Ivy Tech Community College - Lafayette Tremendous opportunity to educate yourself & loved ones about "The Truth About Cancer" through this video series. Only available through Sunday. I purchased these materials if you're interested. Would enjoy sharing them with you. Like · Reply · 14 hrs
· UPR Carolina Hi Ty: I'm Gerald Ramirez from San Juan Puerto Rico, all my family are very impressed with the information you are providing and we are willing to buy the documentary, but we have a very important question; it comes with spanish subtitules??? Thanks... Like · Reply · 15 hrs
Stephen Langley Perhaps, the major reason for relapse and /or low success rates for alternative therapies is the contiuing poisoning of our planet with heavy metal nano-particulate aerosols ? I mention this because it seems to have the potential to be the single greatest mathematical factor... the one that is preventable, at least. Rising cancer, respiritory, and neurological disorders and disease are environment / exposure related. Period. We know this. One may have the personal metabolic / genetic predisposition towards cancer occuring, but the real trigger is exposure to some external factor. We are being sprayed with these materials daily... if one thinks this is an unrelated plug for my pet issue, then you're missing the point. These toxic aerosols are being deployed everyday around the planet. If we want to stop cancer, then we must stop this insanity: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qSA5RV5IqwU Like · Reply · 17 hrs
· Oakland University This series is free to watch this weekend. I just finished watching the first episode, and I have to say I learned so much from it, and plan on watching as much of the rest as I can. I've always been interested in natural approaches to health care and have read a lot, but I was shocked by some of the revelations here. It's so important for people to become aware of what's going on in the practice of medicine today -- especially considering the enormous amount of wealth that is being taken from us and poured into the pharmaceutical industry. It's also alarming to see how our ability to make our own choices regarding our personal health is being taken away. I highly recommend watching this! Like · Reply · 1 · 18 hrs
Lida Hoekstra Best information I found, hope people will subtitle it in to other languages, thank you so much. Like · Reply · 19 hrs
· String Project Director/violin/viola teacher at Murray State University I am really dissappointed! I sent for the CDs on October 16 and still have not received them. I have written and called several times and it takes a week to get a reply each time. I guess I should call and write everyday. Like · Reply · 19 hrs
Kaia Mitchell Thank you for this body of work, Ty. 16 years ago, when my Dad was 58 years old, he was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer that had spread to his bones. They gave him 3 months to live. When he told me, I went on a mission to find whatever information that I could to help him. The thought of losing him so young was devastating to me, as it was to my family. I basically created a regime for him that included completely changing his diet, including a protocol of certain types of supplements and herbs that I found in my research. He took disability leave from his work, my Mom went leave as w...See More Like · Reply · 19 hrs
· Realtor/Agent at Keller Wiliams Northeast Realty Cancer--such a huge way for elite to eugenically control population and keep everyone else ignorant of natural remedies, previous suppressed free therapies, and paying for $expensive (60year old drug, slash, burn techniques) where only 1% live 3-5 years. Albert Einstein: said" Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity." The Western Medical Industrial Complex will not give up the massive money they make off their pushed, inferior, toxic, painful, cancer treatments. Something like 23% of people diagnosed with Cancer do not allow these slash,burn, poison treatments and live an average 10 to 20 years. In the future if cancer shows up it will be treated by the herbs and plants still here and electronically (vibrationally) and without cost, pain or loss of life. Like · Reply · 1 · 20 hrs
Kris Fiddler I apologize to Gretchen. I am using an iPad and went to tap 'more' so I could continue reading but instead hit 'flag'. It was unintentional and if it can be undone I don't know how. I pray things continue to go well. Take care. Like · Reply · 21 hrs
· Sutton Coldfield Very interesting worth watching Like · Reply · 21 hrs
· Admin Asst at Esri Hi I ordered the silver addition in October and have never received it. Who do I contact Like · Reply · 21 hrs
· Works at Stay at Home Writer I bought the silver package back in mid-October and received an email from TTAC thanking me for the purchase. However, I have yet to receive the series either in the mail or as a download. I've written a couple of emails to TTAC and left a vm on their phone inquiring about what could have happened, or if perhaps I missed something, but haven't heard back. The charge of $47 is on my cc statement from several weeks ago. I'm about to cancel the charge and dispute it with the cc company. I now refuse to watch the series or forward the link to my friends. Perhaps this comment will get me some answers, assuming anyone at TTAC reads them. Has anyone else actually bought and received a package? Thanks. Like · Reply · 21 hrs
· Kirkholt secondary modern Which video speaks bout the cottage cheese and flax seed oil Like · Reply · 22 hrs
· Senior Executive Marketing Director at Youngevity I bought the Gold at full price. Where do I find the" 37 Cancer Survivor Story Videos"? and mp3? Like · Reply · 22 hrs ...... · University of Colorado Denver Regarding Gerson therapy. Let me share that my 30-year boyfriend/friend P____ was diagnosed in February 2014 with pancreatic cancer. After treatment in the US he went to the Gerson Center in Mexico where he stayed for the full therapeutic treatment. P was very particular about following protocol exactly - he was always perfectionistic that way in everything he did. They kept telling him how well he was doing. He attend this center in the Fall of 2014 (one year ago as of this 10/2015 writing). He returned ot the States at the conclusion of his 'treatment'. P made it through Thanksgiving, Christ...See More Like · Reply · 197 · Oct 23, 2015 10:14pm
· Founding Director atAwakening to Grace Thank you for posting this. I'm a holistic advance practice nurse (40 years in practice) and I've been thinking the same thing. The series did a good job of exposing the misleading and often coercive actions of the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA, but in my opinion it should've also given an indepth disclosure of the mortality rates of each of approaches it promoted and compared them with the mortality rates of medical approaches. Like · Reply · 135 · Oct 23, 2015 10:32pm
· C.W. Post College Gretchen, you stated he had "treatment" in US before going to the Gerson clinic, meaning he probably had chemo and other drugs, and it is very difficult to recover--both from that AND pancreatic cancer. He had two strikes against him going to Gerson. Also, we know nothing about how he handled his relapse. I think we all realize that not everyone is going to make it. We tend to let "regular" doctors slide when they lose a cancer patient but if an alternative doctor loses a patient, we have no tolerance. Like · Reply · 311 · Oct 23, 2015 10:47pm
Kathleen Grimes I am sorry for your loss. It would seem advisable that a person should always do more than one therapy. I believe Gerson is mostly about nutrition, detox, and enemas. That seems like step one and should also be used in conjunction with other therapies. At least if one wants to hit it multi-faceted. Since cancer is caused by different things, it makes sense that what works for one person might not work for another. And of course there should be tests for improvement so one can know if an additional type therapy should be added to the protocol.
There are no guarantees in life with maybe...See More Like · Reply · 108 · Oct 23, 2015 10:55pm Show 10 more replies in this thread
· Works at Artist - self employed CANNABIS OIL SUCCESS STORIES.. we have people in the site that have successfully been with out cancer for some time.. some added this with chemo.. they are doing well years later.. but i will say this.. DIET IS THE FOUNDATION to boosting YOUR immune sytem.. it helps with so many ailments.. people shrug their shoulders.. it is because they have not looked into this.. > it gets bad press and stays in the closet..... research this.. the site will help you learn lots.. it is on Facebook.. Like · Reply · 58 · Oct 24, 2015 9:21am
· Brinkburn Comprehensive i agree with you a good diet is important and so is cannabis oil thanks for sharing x Like · Reply · 13 · Oct 25, 2015 2:42pm
· Licensed Real Estate Salesperson at Space Marketing Shop if you don't have a good diet you are basically creating a canvas for which cancer can paint itself inside your body and flourish. creating a toxic environment for it to roam.
people still dont' seem to get that. Like · Reply · 30 · Oct 26, 2015 7:09am
Brian Hughes Unfortunately you are right. People still balk at putting more money into the food they and their families eat because it costs more. My question or reply always is: which one is more expensive in the long run - eating healthier and being healthier or continuing to spend less on junk foods, but a hell of a lot more in doctor bills, hospital bills and medicine that often causes worse health problems the medicine was prescribed for? Like · Reply · 9 · 21 hrs
· Hair Replacement Specialist, CEO: "Like" -> atHairoots Hair Replacement Thank you so much. We could not have gotten this information without you and your family making this sacrifice. Both my husband and I have had cancer. We chose to treat our cancer using alternative treatments. So far we are doing ok. We have always believed that there is a better way to treat this problem without using invasive drugs that destroy the cells in our bodies. Thanks for the additional information
Like · Reply · 57 · Oct 23, 2015 11:16pm
· Kailua-Kona, Hawaii They are replaying all episodes for free. The information is exciting, and very comforting. When diagnozed with cancer, stress will take over easily. Too much information, too unsure about it all. Educate your self, to help your self and your loved ones. Watch the serie, be amazed, and happy that cancer is not a death sentence at all. We have been fooled. Cancer is a symptom, not a disease that you can "catch" and our bodies are superb healing machines. Just feed it the right stuff to support the healing process. Have fun. I enjoyed every episode very much. And bought the package. The knowledg...See More Like · Reply · 46 · Oct 24, 2015 3:19am
Tiffany Marie When are they replaying for free and how can I gain access to them? Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 24, 2015 9:34am
John Tomas Tiffany Marie Check the link if it will work for you as it is for us . . .
https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/global-quest/replay/... Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 24, 2015 11:19am
· Humboldt State University That link is working for me at this very moment. Thank you Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 25, 2015 5:05pm Show 3 more replies in this thread
· Winward Community College The Truth About Cancer exposed the AMA, FDA, and Big Pharma's consipracy against anything out of mainstream (taught and bought by Big Pharma). The knowleddge of all treatments would be great to know also. I think Ty wanted to expose the reasons why the alternative treatments have been and will be kept down by the establishment, and he did a great job doing it with refferences to back it up. He also opened our eyes to other possibilities out there at our option. Now that we know what some of the options are, we can investigate on out own to find the survival rates of each therapy. The nume...See More Like · Reply · 29 · Oct 24, 2015 10:00am
· London, United Kingdom Well said Ronald! smile emoticon Like · Reply · 2 · Oct 25, 2015 6:40am
· Tabb High School This is the choice my husband made with Stage IV Colon Cancer.... non - evasive heavy chemo treatments. He lived 3 1/2 years longer. We were blessed!!!! Like · Reply · 3 · Oct 25, 2015 8:00pm
· Chief cook and bottle washer at Klayman Holistic Chiropractic Clinic Beautifully put Ronald Like · Reply · 1 · Nov 26, 2015 7:18am
· Founding Director at Awakening to Grace I'm a holistic advance practice nurse (40 years in practice) and I've seen a lot of both the mainstream medical and the complementary and alternative approaches to healing cancer. In my opinion, the series did a good job of exposing the misleading and often coercive actions of the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA, but it should've also given an indepth disclosure of the mortality rates of each of approaches it promoted and compared them with the mortality rates of medical approaches. I know Ty would say the series didn't promote any approach, but in my opinion the way certain interviews were presented was the same as promotion. I agree with promoting effective approaches, but I don't think it left people with enough information to make a truly informed choice. Like · Reply · 23 · Oct 23, 2015 10:36pm
· Middlesex University, London, UK Sharon I understand the points you have raised. However. The vast majority of people who go the 'alternative clinics' such as Gerson for example tend to be in later stages of cancer and have been sent home to die by their allopathic doctors. So 'statistics' are rather perfunctory and of little use. What I do know from available statistics is that survival rates at stage 1V for those treated by allopathic means is dismal scary and hopeless. The treatment is quite frankly barbaric and worse than the illness. In fact the treatment itself is a death sentence. Susan Like · Reply · 51 · Oct 24, 2015 4:02am
· Chief Executive Officer at Work From Home Susan Culverwell What I took away from the series is that if you're diagnosed with Cancer don't compromise your body and immune system with chemo and radiation but bypass it and start aternative therapy immediately.I mean why on earth would you take poisons into your body that cause Cancer? It seems like a no brainer to me. Like · Reply · 66 · Oct 24, 2015 9:33am
· Founding Director atAwakening to Grace Susan Culverwell I understand what you're saying, but in my view, the way through this is for us to have the data I described and compare it with matched groups. In other words, groups of people who are at similar stages and who have chosen other approaches. There are MANY people who'd choose alternative methods starting well before they're at death's door (some would do it at their diagnosis) if they had better data on the effectiveness of each of their options. Like · Reply · 22 · Oct 24, 2015 9:38am Show 10 more replies in this thread