多伦多一对夫妇要将他们4个月大的孩子Storm哺育成对性别没有意识的孩子Genderless child。父母从Storm出生至今,对所有人都不说其性别。为的是让孩子将来有一个他/她自己来决定的性别,而不是父母给予的,或者是周围生长环境强加其身的性别符号。Storm父母声称:"我们以此为自由及选择权益作一点贡献,并挺胸向未来的世界发出进步的声音。"
问题:这孩子被生物学所控制的性别意识是父母的一厢情愿能够影响的吗? 家长有没有权力拿自己无辜的孩子来做这个试验?
What do you think of Toronto parents Kathy Witterick and David Stocker's decision to keep the sex of their child a secret?
72% (3379 votes) :It's ridiculous and setting their kid up for a hard time
16% (777 votes) :I wouldn't do it but I think it's interesting
12% (563 votes):I think it's a great idea