太座在边上却来了一句:这是上次总统辩论的那个奥巴马? 本堂不由得一惊,刚下肚的一杯Ripassa Valpolicella立刻从舌尖蒸发。定眼细看:是啊,上回那个贫血且重症肌无力几乎进入睡眠状态的奥总与这第二回合上来就拳打脚踢的奥总完全是判若二人。 想想本堂山寨里的兴奋剂一针不缺;山寨血库的输血库存也是一滴未少;看来昨晚上场替奥巴马挽回面子的必是奥总的替身: One of his body double! 管它搞七廿三的啥隔么事,为奥总喝彩! 打倒罗师傅,解放47%,解放99%! 奥总Add Oil !!!
polls about some of the topics from last night debate
- Who did the debate make you more likely to vote for? 25% - Obama, 25% - Romney, 48% Neither - Who seemed to be a stronger leader? 49% - Romney, 46% - Obama - Who was more likeable? 47% - Obama, 41% - Romney - Who spent more time attacking his opponent? 49% - Obama, 35% - Romney - Who cared more about audience members? 44% - Obama, 40% - Romney - Who answered the questions more directly? 45% - Romney, 43% - Obama
- Who would better handle the economy? 58% - Romney, 40% - Obama - Who would better handle health care? 49% - Romney, 46% - Obama - Who would better handle taxes? 51% - Romney, 44% - Obama - Who would better handle the deficit? 59% - Romney, 36% - Obama
Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama won last night’s presidential debate with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to a CNN/ORC International poll of 457 registered voters who watched the nationally televised event.
Forty-six percent of those surveyed said Obama fared better in the debate, compared with 39 percent for Romney, according to results aired on CNN after the event. The poll found 73 percent said Obama’s performance exceeded expectations, compared with 37 percent who said Romney did better than expected.