看过几期节目后,我欲罢不能地上网找到几个让我特别喜欢的歌手的录像,一遍又一遍地聆听他们以自己独特的风格所演绎的歌曲,其中印象比较深的一位是身材微胖,貌不惊人,19岁的郑红.郑红在《中国好声音》中,以她最本色的姿态站在舞台上,用她独特的歌声演唱的英文歌曲《Someone Like You》感动了观众,也征服了歌坛四位大腕级的主持人,庾澄庆掩饰不住对郑红的欣赏,把她美誉为中国的阿黛尔.
在这个节目里,我第一次听到阿黛尔这个名字,阿黛尔是谁?为什么歌坛大腕称郑红是中国的阿黛尔? 我怀着好奇心上网查了一下,据百度资料介绍,阿黛尔(Adele Laurie Blue Adkins)是英国独立歌手,近年获得过很多音乐大奖,个人专辑在世界范围内共销售2600万张唱片,2012年被美国《人物》评选为全球最美女性第14位.《泰晤士报》甚至写道,全世界的人可以分成两类,一类是已经认识阿黛尔的,另一类是马上就会认识她的,至于完全没听说过她的人,已经越来越稀罕了.
下面是中国的阿黛尔和英国的阿黛尔演唱的歌曲《Someone Like You》,听听她们的歌声,看看能给你带来怎样的感受.
Adele--Someone Like You I heard That you're settled down That you Found a girl And you're Married now I heard That your dreams came true I guess she gave you things I didn't give to you Oh friend Why you so shy Ain't like you to hold back Or hide from the light I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it I hoped you'd see my face and that you be reminded That for me It isn't over Nevermind I'll find someone like you I wish nothing but the best For you too Don't forget me I beg I'll remember you still Sometimes it lasts in love But sometimes it hurts instead Sometimes it lasts in love But sometimes it hurts instead Yeah You know how the time flies Only yesterday It was the time of our lives We were born and raised In a summer haze Bound by the surprise Of our glory days I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited But I couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it I hoped you'd see my face and be reminded That for me It isn't over Nevermind I'll fi
看《中国好声音》额外的收获是知道了Adele这个歌手,而且一听她的歌就喜欢上.Adele没有Lady GaGa性感的身材,也没有稀奇古怪的造型,她是凭自己的才华,凭着带有悲腔,富有穿透力的歌声打动人们.知道一些她的经历,再听她创作的歌会更加觉得她的歌声极富感情和感染力.网上说《Someone Like You》的歌词是她内心真情的告白,令无数观众感动到黯然落泪.