周六我们六个人一起出去吃饭, 庆祝同班三对夫妻银婚后还不弃不离。RZ又提起这件事,说原来是个骗局。周四早上,朋友开了电邮一看,有消息了。FX 回电说:请把钱寄到以下地址。FX的老公(也是我班同学)一看,有地址了,可以寄钱了,还是Western Union, 急忙告诉自己太太RZ,说自己要去给FX寄钱了。
RZ觉得事有蹊跷,为什么昨天一整天没动静,现在又可以寄钱了呢? 于是打电话给FX的太太问问情况。电话一接通,FX的太太马上说:“啊,这骗子骗到你们那里啦。FX的Hotmail地址被黑了,给很多人送了E-mail, 叫给他寄钱。他现在在家里什么事也没有。”RZ忙打电话给正在送钱路上的老公。
骗子的第一个E-Mail完全是以FX的口气写的。可以说,如果我收到这样的E-mail, 也马上就觉得事情很严重,应该想办法帮他,而不可能会怀疑到是一个骗局。RZ家俩口子在收到第一个电邮后,就一直想办法与FX 联系,甚至动用了在伦敦的朋友,希望他们能协助FX。
以下是求助电邮原文 “Sent: Mon, January 10, 2011 7:32:23 AM Subject: Please I Need Your Urgent Loan Hello, How are you doing? hope all is well with you, i am sorry that i didn't inform you about my traveling to England for a Program. I need a favour from you as soon as you receive this e-mail because i misplaced my purse on my way to the hotel where my money, and other valuable things were kept, i will like you to assist me with a loan urgently. I will be needing the sum of $2,700 to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home. I will appreciate whatever you can afford to help me with, i'll pay you back as soon as i return. Kindly let me know if you can be of help? so that i can send you the details to use when sending the money through Western Union Money Transfer. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Please help me out i will pay him back the money as soon as i return back, i hope you understand my situation.” 后面一天多没有任何信息,(在此期间,这个E-mail地址一直都无法Log-in),骗子又回了以下这封电邮,这封电邮里有详细的汇款地址和方式:
“Subject: RE: Please I Need Your Urgent Loan Hi XX Thank you for your concern and reply,i sent you this email in-order for you to help me out. I will appreciate whatever you can afford to help me with,i should have called you, but i don't have any money with me and my cell phone can't work here i can only be reached via my email. I am really broke here i am using a public internet cafe and i don't have much time left. I have less than 15 min so i will sign out now and wait for an hour to check back. Here are the details to send me the money through western union money transfer. Name: X。F Address: 104 Quayside Street Newcastle, NE13DX England After sending it, Kindly get back to me with the western union details.(money transfer control number MTCN) the total amount you sent and sender's full name and address. As soon as i return i will pay you back. I hope to read from you soon. Thank you.” |