打倒全球公敵 白宫网站签名:强烈抗议中共血腥镇压茂名和平抗议民众!Please sign to condemn Chinese government suppress peaceful demonstration in Maoming. 强烈抗议中共血腥镇压茂名和平抗议民众!要求国际社会介入调查,追究凶手责任!每一个签名,就是一份力量!
For decades, they have lived far below comfort zone with unbelievably exploited living standards, and became the world's cheapest labor for our material affordability. NOW! They are yelling for HELP! Their lives are being slaughtered because of a peaceful demonstration against building a PX chemical factory in their city. The people of Maoming City, Guangdong, China Is Under Military Massacre since March 30. Military tanks and armed forces have blockaded the city and killed dozens people. The city’s internet access have been shot down. The Chinese medias have been ordered to be silent.
The people broke through dangerous resistance coming to our country’s internet crying for help. Please help them to make their voice louder.
Click this link to sign: http://wh.gov/ldAhg “中國人民任意被中共殺害,沒有人權自由民主的中國奴隸人民等同牲畜, 打倒全球公敵中國共産黨!” 3月31日晚,廣東茂名反興建PX化工廠民眾被武警鎮壓現場 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0x2SfPVGds == 强烈抗议: http://tinyurl.com/n5lwfbh == 華人民主論壇 https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrmzlt/