众所周知,中国社会的各类矛盾日益加深,群体骚乱事件层出不穷。与此同时,中国政府加紧了对于维权人士的打压、基督教家庭教会的限制和少数民族地区的镇压。一年多以来,当局在毫无法制的基础上,不断地威胁、绑架、虐打和拘捕各类异议人士,中国的人权状况到了64事件以来最严峻的时刻。 与此同时,中国的权贵和官僚,包括众多目前服务于体制中的官僚,在从事迫害人权的同时,想方设法捞取不义之财而后自己移民海外,或者让其子女到海外读书。他们中许多人的目的地是美加。如果剥夺这些人来美国的机会,可以对他们目前迫害人权的嚣张起到些许的遏制作用。比如说,网友找到了指使殴打迫害陈光诚的山东省沂南市官员名单,如果把这些人都打上美国政府拒绝入境的黑名单上,至少算是剥夺了他们来美国公款旅游买名牌的福利,他们的孩子也不要来美国大学镀金了。 美国新泽西州国会众议员Chris Smith近日提出China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011,旨在限制参与迫害人权的中国官员及其家属入境美国。该提案的原文链接与此(China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011)。我认为Chris Smith的提案值得我们关心中国命运的海外华人一起来推动和支持。 该提案目前已送交众议员司法委员会审查。如果审查通过,才会进入众议院表决程序。我建议在美国的朋友们,如果你所在的州有议员在众议院的司法委员会,都可以写信给本州的议员,提请他们支持该提案。 以下链接可以查阅国会众议院司法委员会的成员名单:http://judiciary.house.gov/about/members.html。 如果你所在州的议员名列其上,只要点击他的名字下面的选区,就可以链接到他的个人网页。每个议员的个人网页下都有“contact me”一栏,点击打开后一定可以找到他的邮寄地址。我个人建议大家使用正常的邮寄信件,这样更正规慎重些,或者先电邮再用书面邮寄。即使该议员不是我们本选区的,也可以一样给他发信。他们知道州内人口更容易流动,仍然会注意我们的意见。请身在美国的朋友们立即花10分钟时间寄出这封信,我们的10分钟有可能减少祖国同胞所遭受的苦难。 我个人起草的信件范本附于下面,供朋友们参考。朋友们可以简单地替上自己的姓名地址和本州众议员的姓名地址就可以寄出去。 如果朋友有空去国会山庄的议员办公室串门游说,效果就更好。 另外,我提议朋友们不仅自己寄送这信,最好还能够发动至少10个周边的朋友一起寄。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Doe Address Telephone Number Date: June 20, 2011 The Honorable Jerrold Nadler House of Representatives 2334 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515-3205 Re: China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011 (H.R. 2121) Representative Nadler: I write to you as a member of our community who is deeply concerned about the escalated persecution on human right advocates by the Chinese government. In past years, the U.S. has provided political asylum to tens of thousands of Chinese nationals who fled from persecution in China. However, such asylum has not alleviated human right abuses in China anyway. Instead, the past two years have witnessed more brutal and flagrant persecution on human right advocates and religious organizations by the Chinese government. I am glad to learn that Congressman Chris Smith introduced China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011 (H.R. 2121), which has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary on June 3, 2011. With its particular emphasis on combating Chinese government officials who committed human right violations, said Act will send a clear message that the U.S. will not stand idly by and allow human rights violation in China. I believe said Act will also remind Chinese officials to have a second thought while they participate in human right abuses. I urge you to work with your fellow committee members and across party lines to support China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011. Thank you! Sincerely, John Doe |