中文原文:《登乐游原》唐 李商隐
向晚意不适,驱车登古原。 夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。
跟译李商隐名作《登乐游原》by 曹雪葵
Rein in the galloping horse who cares, That I'm drunk? At me the sun stares, Round and red, for help to save from falling. With the old plane dyed as if it were morning. 绿岛阳光翻译: 信马由缰登上高坡豪情谁人能比? 似醉非醉任由太阳对我深情注视! 红红圆盘斜挂在上霞色尽染天地, 如此美丽令人心怡何必究竟是晚霞还是晨曦? 曹雪葵回译: What a gallantry to give the horse a free rein? A drunck man is never afraid of the down-setting sun . Let his red face mirror me with grief eyes, I know, the moon divorced him last night. 绿岛阳光翻译: 胸怀奇想能否驾着这马儿驰向天边? 以酒壮胆俺要和太阳比赛谁能跑得更远! 看他红红的脸膛上配着怒睁的圆眼, 俺断定昨晚月亮美人和他吵架翻脸!