哈哈哈,又是标题党! 真正的是,诗坛里大家在翻译诗经,将诗经翻译成鹰文,诗经俺中文都不大看得懂,鹰文翻译就算了吧。 俺这里是将小诗魔曹雪葵为俺拍摄的四幅白莲花图题的四首七绝翻译成鹰文。俺的鹰文水平是很有限滴,虽然用鹰文写过博士论文,也写过不少科技论文发表,但水平还是非常差滴!俺一写鹰文就心虚!哈哈哈。。 翻译诗嘛,只跟在鱼片博后面玩过两首中译英,这里的翻译纯粹是为了好玩,希望俺没有太违背雪葵老师的原来诗意,也请大家的豆腐砖拍得轻一点哈,哈哈哈.。。 原诗:七绝 月塘莲睡 (一)(曹雪葵作)
接天倒影候张生, 未惯衣裳颠倒行。 说破三生已无泪, 碧鳞抛落似浮萍。 绿岛阳光翻译: Keep checking the reflection of the sky to look for him Life has been upside down because of him However,there is no tear running Was the memory lost during reincarnating? Go with the wave like duckweed in the pond Aren’t the floating green pieces the broken heart?

原诗:七绝 月塘莲睡 (二)(曹雪葵作) 恨嫁膏粱坠冷漪, 魂苏当谢柳前诗。 羞将本色酬文雅, 笑指睡莲藏鲤鱼。 绿岛阳光翻译: Fall into the cold water for avoiding of the playboy Be woke by the dancing willow and keep joy Shy to show the elegant natural color Smile at the carp when it is hiding under

原诗:七绝 月塘莲睡 (三)(曹雪葵作) 一朵冰心谁是妖? 瑶池半潜久熏陶。 秀才未染红尘气, 或共依栏咏月高。 绿岛阳光翻译: Is a genie or a demon? Swim in an immortal pound long uncommon The scholar is so charming and outstanding Is he the right one for sharing the moon night enjoying?

原诗:七绝 月塘莲睡 (四)(曹雪葵作) 羞掩绿裙分向君, 蓝波镜里更何人。 功名不过枝头雨, 只待飞虹救落魂。 绿岛阳光翻译: Cover the green skirt in front of him shyly Watch him through the water mirror warmly Is fame the rain from tree branches dripping? Shall the soul only be rescued by a rainbow bridging?
