《西湖夜色》 《The Lake Night-Seeing》
近水远山披夜色 The lake and mountains are glimmered by Moon with a brusher
叠叠树影演朦脓 Trees in the bush are dimed with each other
雷锋塔屹遥遥现 The glowing pagoda in the dark looks brighter
传诉蛇仙绝世情? Is that symbolizing the legendary love forever?
近水远山披夜色,- Moonlight brushes the lake and the mountains beyond with silver glimmer, 叠叠树影演朦脓。- Tree shadows on the gound are shattered by breeze unclear. 雷锋塔屹遥遥现,- Pagoda standing in the darkness symbolizing the power of moral,
传诉蛇仙绝世情?- But telling the legacy of Love Snake immortal.